Il Governo prevede una riformulazione complessiva ed organica della disciplina delle procedure di insolvenza esistenti, sulla linea dell‘evoluzione più recente, con precisi indirizzi innovativi – tra i più rilevanti – in tema di concordato preventivo di gruppo e liquidatorio, concentrazione della competenza dei tribunali, composizione assistita della crisi, riordino dei privilegi e nuove forme di garanzia
On 16 November 2015, Italy implemented the European Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (“BRRD”)1 through the publication in the Italian Official Gazette of the Legislative Decrees no. 180 and no. 181 (the “Decrees” and, respectively, the “Decree 180” and “Decree 181”).
Two recent judgements deal with the issue in two different cases: the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere(17 February 2016) allows a partial payment of VAT, contrary to precedents of the Supreme Court and ofthe Constitutional Court, while the Court of Appeals of Bologna (24 December 2015) confirms that theVAT refund claim’s satisfaction depends on the value of the related assets
The case
The Supreme Court confirms in the recent decision No. 2538 of 9 February 2016 that the rules regardingthe effects of termination of a pending leasing contract, by choice of the receiver, cannot be applied tothe different case of termination for breach which has already occurred
The case
The Court of Milan (19 February 2016) adopts a restrictive approach and rules out that the special rulesprovided for concordato “preserving the business” (“concordato con continuità aziendale”) can applywhere the plan includes a lease of business arrangement
The case
“It is possible for the by-‐law to provide that the equity capital, which is mentioned by article 2437-‐ter, second paragraph, of the Civil Code for the purpose of liquidation of shares in case of withdrawal (but also, in case of mortis causa pre-‐emption right, because of the statement of the article 2355-‐bis, third paragraph of the Civil Code) is assessed pursuant to the criterion which consider the use of assets on the going concern perspective”
On January 28 2015 the minister of justice set up the Rordorf Commission, a ministerial commission to develop and submit draft legislation designed to reform, review and reorganise the rules governing insolvency procedures in Italy. On December 29 2015 the Rordorf Commission completed its proceedings and submitted a draft statutory instrument delegating powers to the government "for a comprehensive reform of the existing rules on business crises and insolvency".
The Court of Cassation (19 February 2016, No. 3324) ruled that unauthorized payment of pre-‐petitionclaims mandate a stop of the concordato procedure according to Art. 173 of the Italian Bankruptcy Lawonly if a prejudice follows for the creditors
The case
Directive 2014/59/EU (the "BRRD” or Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive), establishing a framework for recovery and resolution of banks and investment institutions, was implemented in Italy with the Legislative Decree Nos. 180/2015 and 181/2015
The Tribunal of Monza (12 October 2015) has adopted a broad application of second para. of Art. 56 of the Italian Bankruptcy Law which excludes – only for receivables non yet overdue – that a debtor of the insolvent may offset its debt against receivables which he has acquired after the declaration of bankruptcy or in the year before.
The case