Russia’s bankruptcy law (the Law) has been amended to expand the list of persons who may be held vicariously liable for a bankrupt’s debts and clarify the grounds for such liability.
Definition of controlling person clarified
Yesterday in Canberra, a significant step forward for Australian insolvency law reform was taken: Parliament passed the much anticipated "safe harbor" for directors in relation to insolvent trading liability and moratorium on reliance by solvent counterparties on “ipso facto” clauses in voluntary administration and creditors schemes of arrangement.
Key Points
On the key points:
In 2014, we reported on the Ontario Superior Court of Justice’s decision in Indcondo Building Corporation v. Sloan (“Indcondo“), which strengthened the position of plaintiffs seeking to set aside fraudulent conveyances in Ontario. In the Indcondo case, Mr.
De pre-pack procedure is mogelijk een kort leven beschoren. Bij deze procedure wordt al vóór het uitspreken van het faillissement een doorstart voorbereid door de aanwijzing van een "beoogd curator". De wet die deze wettelijk moet verankeren in het Nederlandse insolventierecht in 2016 is aangenomen door de Tweede Kamer, maar moet nog van kracht worden.
As restructuring and cross-border insolvency issues become increasingly global, an understanding of the influence of different cultures and some of the key drivers is critical. The INSOL panel was diverse, with members from Asia (Helena Huang, King & Wood Mallesons), North America (Renee Dailey, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP), South Africa (Paul Winer, ENSafrica) and Latin America (The Honourable Judge Maria Cristina O’Reilly, National Commercial Court, Argentina).
On January 31, 2017, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals authorized a court-appointed Receiver to avoid arbitration clauses contained in employment and employment-related agreements.[1] While, at first glance, the Court’s decision not to compel a non-signatory to arbitration appears unremarkable, in fact the decision reflects how far the Court was willing to go in order to protect a Receiver’s choice of a judicial forum.
International Trade Compliance (Covering Customs and Other Import Requirements, Export Controls and Sanctions, Trade Remedies, WTO and Anti-Corruption) In This Issue: World Trade Organization (WTO) World Customs Organization (WCO) Other International Matters The Americas - Central America The Americas - North America The Americas - South America Asia-Pacific Europe and Middle East Africa Trade compliance enforcement actions - import, export, IPR, FCPA Newsletters, reports, articles, etc. Webinars, Meetings, Seminars, etc.
The Indian Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (the IBC) represents a radical rewriting of India’s corporate insolvency procedures, enabling creditors to restructure bad debts and rehabilitate corporate debtors within specified timelines.
This is part of a series of articles discussing restructuring and insolvency related provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which is now expected to become law this week (the “Act”).
Previously we discussed net operating losses (“NOLs”) and cancellation of the debt (“COD”). The provisions on NOLs have generally remained the same (adopting the Senate version of the revisions, but immediately capping the use of NOLs to 80% of taxable income). However, the changes to COD rules we discussed are not part of the current version of the Act.
In a decision of importance for liquidators and litigation funders, the Western Australian Court of Appeal in Perrine v Carrello has further explained the important issue of how to determine the amount of compensation recoverable by liquidators where insolvent trading has occurred.