With its Draft Directive, the EU Commission is paving the way for a harmonization of material insolvency law within the European Union. This newsletter is intended to provide an initial overview of which areas are to be harmonized under the Draft Directive and especially what changes and impact the introduction of "pre-pack proceedings" would cause on the existing German insolvency law.
1. Key content of the EU Commission's proposal for a directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of insolvency law
With its Draft Directive, the EU Commission is paving the way for a harmonization of material insolvency law within the European Union. This newsletter is intended to provide an initial overview of which areas are to be harmonized under the Draft Directive and especially what changes and impact the introduction of "pre-pack proceedings" would cause on the existing German insolvency law.
1. Key content of the EU Commission's proposal for a directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of insolvency law
With its Draft Directive, the EU Commission is paving the way for a harmonization of material insolvency law within the European Union. This newsletter is intended to provide an initial overview of which areas are to be harmonized under the Draft Directive and especially what changes and impact the introduction of "pre-pack proceedings" would cause on the existing German insolvency law.
1. Key content of the EU Commission's proposal for a directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of insolvency law
In its decision of October 27, 2022 (IX ZR 145/21), the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) ruled on a long-running dispute under German insolvency law. In its decision, the Court assumed that the insolvency administrator's right of realization under section 166 German Insolvency Code (InsO) does not extend to other rights.
Der BGH hat mit Entscheidung vom 27. Oktober 2022 (IX ZR 145/21) eine langwährende, insolvenzrechtliche Streitigkeit entschieden. In seiner Entscheidung nahm der BGH an, dass sich das Verwertungsrecht des Insolvenzverwalters nach § 166 InsO nicht auf sonstige Rechte erstreckt. Dies legt einen lange bestehenden und intensiv geführten Streit bei, ob sich das Verwertungsrecht neben beweglichen Sachen im Besitz des Verwalters und abgetretenen Forderungen auch auf sonstige Rechte wie insbesondere verpfändete Gesellschaftsanteile oder abgetretene oder verpfändete IP-Rechte erstreckt.
With its Draft Directive, the EU Commission is paving the way for a harmonization of material insolvency law within the European Union. This newsletter is intended to provide an initial overview of which areas are to be harmonized under the Draft Directive and especially what changes and impact the introduction of "pre-pack proceedings" would cause on the existing German insolvency law.
1. Key content of the EU Commission's proposal for a directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of insolvency law
With its Draft Directive, the EU Commission is paving the way for a harmonization of material insolvency law within the European Union. This newsletter is intended to provide an initial overview of which areas are to be harmonized under the Draft Directive and especially what changes and impact the introduction of "pre-pack proceedings" would cause on the existing German insolvency law.
1. Key content of the EU Commission's proposal for a directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of insolvency law
With its Draft Directive, the EU Commission is paving the way for a harmonization of material insolvency law within the European Union. This newsletter is intended to provide an initial overview of which areas are to be harmonized under the Draft Directive and especially what changes and impact the introduction of "pre-pack proceedings" would cause on the existing German insolvency law.
1. Key content of the EU Commission's proposal for a directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of insolvency law
With its Draft Directive, the EU Commission is paving the way for a harmonization of material insolvency law within the European Union. This newsletter is intended to provide an initial overview of which areas are to be harmonized under the Draft Directive and especially what changes and impact the introduction of "pre-pack proceedings" would cause on the existing German insolvency law.
1. Key content of the EU Commission's proposal for a directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of insolvency law
In den letzten Wochen haben in Deutschland zwei größere Betreiber der stationären Pflege und von betreutem Wohnen Insolvenz angemeldet. Auch wenn dies aus unserer Sicht nur Einzelfälle sind und kein Krankheitssyndrom der Pflegebranche darstellt, geben diese Fälle Anlass für eine kurze rechtliche Orientierung wie sich solche Insolvenzen auf alle Leistungsbeziehungen auswirken.
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