This overview includes case law since mid-2022 and provides an overview of legal amendments that have a practical impact on national and international contracts.
Insolvency-based rescission clauses
Diese Übersicht umfasst die Rechtsprechung seit Mitte 2022 und bietet einen Ausblick auf relevante Gesetzesänderungen, die sowohl für nationale als auch internationale Verträge von praktischer Bedeutung sind.
Insolvenzabhängige Lösungsklauseln
Die Restrukturierung nach dem StaRUG kann unter den richtigen Voraussetzungen für Unternehmen eine sinnvolle Alternative zur außergerichtlichen Sanierung bzw. zum Insolvenzverfahren sein.
FEBRUARY 2024 2021934/89586498/1 UPDATE 2023’s most significant legal developments and what to look out for in 2024 Update prepared by Saniyé Tipirdamaz, Adrian Dobbyn, Eléonore Galleron, Mathieu Gangloff and Romain Bordage (Luxembourg) In 2023, in Luxembourg, we witnessed a number of significant legal developments in the areas of Banking & Finance, Restructuring & Insolvency, Corporate, Investment Funds and Tax. In 2024, new legislation which will impact upon businesses and their investment strategies are expected to be introduced.
(Moderate) Verschärfung der Haftung für Geschäftsleiter durch das StaRUG.
Am 17. Dezember 2020 hatte der Bundestag das Gesetz zur Fortentwicklung des Sanierungs- und Insolvenzrechts (SanInsFoG) beschlossen. Zentraler Bestandteil des SanInsFoG sind die Vorschriften des Gesetzes über den Stabilisierungs- und Restrukturierungsrahmen (StaRUG).
On May 25, 2023, Belgium enacted the Mobility Act, which transposes Directive (EU) 2019/2121 (the EU Mobility Directive). The EU Mobility Directive creates a comprehensive framework for corporate cross-border restructurings. It builds on the foundations of the 2005 Directive on cross-border mergers.
The presentation of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law (COM/2022/702) marks a significant step towards the convergence of fundamental aspects of insolvency law throughout the EU, which is considered fundamental if cross-border investment and cross-border business relationships are to reach their potential.
The European legislator intends to harmonise the avoidance actions in the member states. Italy, however, already has comprehensive legislation in place that covers this issue.
European legal framework for insolvency
Avoidance actions are a household staple for insolvency administrators to increase the insolvency estate in Austria. The current European Commission’s Proposal for a Directive (COM (2022)702) now aims to harmonise contestation rights in insolvency across all European member states.
Celsius creditors feeling the heat over preference claims