Key developments of interest over the last month include: IOSCO publishing its final Policy Recommendations for Crypto and Digital Asset (CDA) Markets; the UK government publishing a response to its previous consultation and call for evidence on proposals for the future financial services regulatory regime for digital assets as well as the FCA and Bank of England publishing proposals on the UK stablecoins regulatory regime; the European Parliament's ECON Committee publishing draft reports on the proposed PSD3 and Payment Services Regulation; and the UK government publishing a Future of Paym
With commercial property companies’ debt burdens reaching pre-2008 levels and warnings being issued this month by the European Central Bank, in this article we outline some of the key issues to be considered and steps which may be taken by BVI real estate holding companies to protect their position in the face of rising financing costs and other inflationary pressures.
Recent regulatory developments of interest to all financial institutions. Includes key COVID-19 updates from the UK FCA, AML/CTF updates and more.
COVID-19: FCA statement on handling of post and paper documents
On 13 May 2020, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a statement on how firms should handle post and paper documents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Preventive Restructuring Frameworks Directive (EU) 2019/1023 is finally in force. Following its implementation into EU member states’ national law, the directive will hopefully prove an effective tool for Europe’s restructuring practitioners, just as the continent’s economic outlook darkens.
Am 16. Juli 2019 ist die Richtlinie (EU) 2019/1023 über präventive Restrukturierungsrahmen in Kraft getreten. Ihre Umsetzung in das nationale Recht der Mitgliedstaaten wird von Sanierungsspezialisten vor dem Hintergrund sinkender Wachstumsprognosen und Warnungen vor einem Wirtschaftseinbruch mit Spannung erwartet.
Key developments of interest over the last month include: IOSCO publishing its final Policy Recommendations for Crypto and Digital Asset (CDA) Markets; the UK government publishing a response to its previous consultation and call for evidence on proposals for the future financial services regulatory regime for digital assets as well as the FCA and Bank of England publishing proposals on the UK stablecoins regulatory regime; the European Parliament's ECON Committee publishing draft reports on the proposed PSD3 and Payment Services Regulation; and the UK government publishing a Future of Paym
1. State of the Restructuring Market
1.1 Market Trends and Changes
Am 16. Juli 2019 ist die Richtlinie (EU) 2019/1023 über präventive Restrukturierungsrahmen in Kraft getreten. Ihre Umsetzung in das nationale Recht der Mitgliedstaaten wird von Sanierungsspezialisten vor dem Hintergrund sinkender Wachstumsprognosen und Warnungen vor einem Wirtschaftseinbruch mit Spannung erwartet.
The Preventive Restructuring Frameworks Directive (EU) 2019/1023 is finally in force. Following its implementation into EU member states’ national law, the directive will hopefully prove an effective tool for Europe’s restructuring practitioners, just as the continent’s economic outlook darkens.