Italian bankruptcy law — Royal Decree No. 267 of 16 March 1942 — (the Bankruptcy Law) underwent a substantial reform between 2005 and 20091, mainly aimed at introducing (i) a more efficient regulation of the pre-bankruptcy agreement procedure (concordato preventivo)2 and (ii) new pre-bankruptcy schemes of arrangements, in the form of the out-of-court debt restructuring plan (piano attestato di risanamento)3 and the debt restructuring agreement (accordo di ristrutturazione dei debiti)4.
In an effort to re-launch the economic growth, with Law Decree No. 83/2012 (so called “Decree on Development”) the Italian government, inter alia, implemented several significant changes to Italian Bankruptcy Law (legge fallimentare).
Luxembourg recently adopted a number of legislative reforms aimed at modernising the rules applicable to commercial companies. In relation to the restructuring and insolvency of Luxembourg-based entities, Parliament is discussing the long-awaited Bill 6539 (the so-called 'Insolvency Bill').
In the meantime, a number of reforms which could affect the restructuring and insolvency of commercial companies have been adopted, including:
Earlier this year, both the lower and upper houses of Malaysia’s parliament, passed the Companies Bill 2015 (“theBill”) which will harmonise Malaysia's insolvency laws and bring them more in line with modern international standards. Once the Bill comes into effect (it is currently awaiting Royal Assent), it will replace Malaysia’s existing Companies Act 1965.
On August 2, 2010, Maru E. Johansen, in her capacity as the foreign representative (the “Foreign Representative”)1 in respect of Mexican insolvency proceedings regarding Compania Mexicana de Aviacion, S.A. de C.V. (“Mexicana”), filed a petition for recognition in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York (the “Bankruptcy Court”), commencing a case under Chapter 15 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.2 Mexicana and its affiliates operate Mexicana Airlines, Mexico’s largest airline.
On November 1 2007 the State Commission for Insolvency Law presented the Preliminary Bill for an Insolvency Act to the minister of justice. The most important changes to the existing Bankruptcy Act are outlined in this update.
The Spanish Council of Ministers passed on 7 March 2014 the Royal Decree-Law 4/2014, on urgent matters in relation to refinancing agreements and debt restructuring (the "RDL 4/2014"). The RDL 4/2014 has been published on 8 March 2014 in the Spanish Official Gazette and it entered into force on the day immediately following its publication.
Introduction This paper sets out to present a concise description of the amendments to the rules governing Spanish pre-insolvency arrangements pursuant to new Royal Decree Act (Order in Council) 4/2014, of 7 March, adopting urgent measures in relation to refinancing and restructuring of corporate debt (“RDA 4/2014”), in force as from 9 March 2014. This new text has introduced a series of important changes, most of them via amendments to the Spanish Insolvency Act (“SIA”), aimed at easing and expediting preinsolvency debt refinancing and restructuring processes in Spain.
These resolutions clarify the circumstances in which an appraisal certificate is required to create and amend mortgages following the reform of the Rules of Civil Law Procedure under Act 1/2013.