Richard Obank comments on recent experience in handling the collapse of UK arthouse and indie film distributor Metrodome Group and the challenges facing film distributors generally.
We acted on the pre-pack administration sale of Metrodome Group to 101 Films, which completed in August following a lengthy unsuccessful attempt by management to find a buyer.
Just one day before the July 1 deadline for an expected major default by the Government of Puerto Rico, President Barack Obama signed into law the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA), a sweeping new law designed to bring stability to the Puerto Rican economy and establish oversight of the Island’s budget and fiscal policies for at least the next five years.
A key objective of the current German coalition government is the reform of the clawback provisions in the German Insolvency Act (Insolvenzordnung - InsO). To address this, the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection recently published a draft bill for discussion.
The German government is expected to remain in office until 2017, making it highly likely that this reform will become law, in the course of 2015-2016.
Background and objective of the reform
PRA consults on capital adequacy. The UK Prudential Regulation Authority proposed changes to the PRA’s Pillar 2 framework for the banking sector, including changes to rules and supervisory statements. The proposed policy is intended to ensure that firms have adequate capital to support the relevant risks in their business and that they have appropriate processes to ensure compliance with the Capital Requirements Regulation and Capital Requirements Directive.
In our “Insolvency in the fashion retail sector: the risks and opportunities” article in the Q2 edition of Global Insight, we looked at the challenges the fashion retail industry faces today and the opportunities available for both existing players and new market entrants in the context of insolvent business acquisitions. In this article we comment in more detail on these opportunities and consider some of the factors and risks to be aware of when purchasing an insolvent fashion retail business and its assets.
November 2013
© Davis LLP 2013 i
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
B. GOVERNMENT AND LEGAL SYSTEM ......................................................................................... 1
C. TYPES OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION ....................................................................................... 2
When one party can unilaterally prevent a bankruptcy filing – action steps and best practices
Commodities Alert
Restructuring Alert
- A veszélyhelyzeti jogalkotás részeként a napokban kihirdetésre került egy több rendeletből álló jogszabálycsomag[1], amelynek egyik fő eleme a veszélyhelyzet során a vállalkozások reorganizációjáról szóló 179/2021. (IV. 16.) Korm. rendelet („Reorganizációs Rendelet”).
In the wake of the global financial crisis in 2007-08, distressed real estate yielded generous returns to investors that managed to pick the right cherries at the right times.
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 makes the most significant changes to UK insolvency law in a generation. The Act introduces three permanent measures: a new free standing moratorium, a new restructuring plan process (largely modelled on schemes of arrangement but with the addition of a cross-class cram-down), and restrictions on termination of contracts for the supply of goods and services. The moratorium and the restructuring plan are of particular significance to secured lenders, and this note addresses some of the most frequently asked questions by the ABL community.