A Creditor registered his claim into insolvency proceedings against the debtor within 30 days of the publication of the resolution on the debtor's bankruptcy in the insolvency register. The Creditor´s insolvency application regarding the claim was refused by the insolvency court because the resolution on the debtor´s bankruptcy had been previously published in the file of the debtor’s spouse’s insolvency proceedings.
The German Parliament passed an act to reduce the risk of clawback actions and provide more legal certainty in this regard under German law, the so called "Act for the Improvement of Legal Certainty concerning Clawback pursuant to the German Insolvency Code and the Creditor's Avoidance of Transfers Act" (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Rechtssicherheit bei Anfechtungen nach der Insolvenzordnung und dem Anfechtungsgesetz) on Thursday, 16 February 2017.
License purchases can be excluded from the insolvency administrator’s right to reject or assume contracts
On February 24, 2016, the legal committee (Rechtsausschuss) of the German parliament (Bundestag) held a hearing on the proposed reform to considerably limit the clawback regime (Insolvenzanfechtung) in the German insolvency code (Insolvenzordnung – InsO). The general gist of hearing was that the current German governing party coalition is still determined to enact the reform, with some modifications as to the scope and protected parties still up for discussion.
The liability regime under Section 64 sentence 1 GmbHG and Sections 92 para. 2, 93 para. 3 Nr. 6 AktG for payments made after the company’s insolvency imposes severe personal liability risk on the management of limited liability companies and stock corporations. This does not only apply to the management of German limited liability companies (“GmbH”) and stock corporations (“AG”) but also to companies incorporated under foreign law that have their centre of main interest in Germany, as the European Court of Justice has decided just recently.
A key objective of the current German coalition government is the reform of the clawback provisions in the German Insolvency Code (Insolvenzordnung – InsO). To address this, the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection recently published a draft bill for discussion. The German government is expected to remain in office until 2017, making it highly likely that this reform will become law, in the course of 2015-2016.
Background and objective of the reform
Impending major reform of German insolvency clawback regime
A key objective of the current German coalition government is the reform of the clawback provisions in the German Insolvency Act (Insolvenzordnung - InsO). To address this, the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection recently published a draft bill for discussion.
The German government is expected to remain in office until 2017, making it highly likely that this reform will become law, in the course of 2015-2016.
Background and objective of the reform
The Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof – BGH) on 5 March 2015 issued a decision (case no. IX ZR 133/14, available here) that is of immense relevance for all creditors and debtors that face the need of a subordination agreement (Rangrücktrittvereinbarung) under German law.
German insolvency case law on intellectual property rights has experienced rapid development in recent years, while attempts by the German legislature to regulate this subject with precision have repeatedly failed. The multitude of stakeholders involved (among them insolvency administrators, licensors, sub-licensees and creditors that have liens on IP rights) could not agree on a resolution acceptable to all.