In Yeung Kwok Mung v The Attorney General and the Financial Services Commission, BVIHCM 2011/0002 and Dedyson Enterprises Limited v Registrar of Corporate Affairs, BVIHCM 2011/0008, the BVI High Court Commercial Division addressed the principles applying to restoration applications under section 43 of the BVI Business Companies Act (the “BC Act”). The key principles emerge from the decisions:
New ground was broken last December in the British Virgin Islands when what is believed to be the first scheme of arrangement procedure under the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 (BCA) was completed.
In the scheme of arrangement Amber Petroleum Ltd (Amber) completed a successful reverse takeover of AIM-listed AfNat Resources Limited (formerly Lithic Metals and Energy Limited) (AfNat) under section 179A of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 (BCA).
The provisions of Part IX of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 (as amended,1 the Companies Act) deal with corporate reconstructions, specifically:
- mergers;
- consolidations;
- sales of assets;
- forced redemptions of minority shareholders;
- arrangements; and
- provisions dealing with dissenting members.
Cash flow is the life blood of the construction industry, goes the mantra. Construction projects often have long supply chains. When cash stops flowing down the chain, businesses can fail. There is all too much recent evidence of this.
Someone in the chain (say, a main contractor) could seek to provide in a contract that it does not have to pay the party below (subcontractor) until it has been paid by the party above (employer). This is a 'pay-when-paid' clause.
Just what is an account receivable has been the subject of much debate, because it determines what assets are used to satisfy preferential claims, i.e. who gets paid first in a receivership or liquidation. In 2008, the High Court judgment in Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Northshore Taverns (in liq) confined “accounts receivable” to “book debts”. Although since criticised, that judgment was the only judicial authority on the point.
InThe Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Blackmore Trust Ltd, Blackmore tried to stave off liquidation for the sum of $1.4 million owed to the IRD. After six or seven adjournments, Blackmore finally put evidence before the Court (albeit through its lawyer, rather than by affidavit) claiming that its liabilities totalled $15.6 million, and its sole asset, the James Smith building in the Wellington CBD, was valued at $21.5 million as a going concern, or $11 million - $13 million in a "fire sale".
The Companies Act introduced in 2011 the obligation of the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) to institute compulsory liquidation over companies for failure to comply with legal obligations under the statute. SBRA is, inter alia, obliged to initiate compulsory liquidation over a company which has failed to:
(a) submit its annual financial statements for the previous year until the end of the current year;
The Singapore High Court recently issued the first-ever super-priority order for debts arising from rescue financing under Section 211E(1)(b) of the amended insolvency laws in the Companies Act. The decision shows that the court is open to adopting relatively unique deal structures, and could be a benefit for more business-centric solutions.
On 1 October 2018, The Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Bill was passed in Singapore.
This will consolidate personal and corporate insolvency laws into the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act, with the Bankruptcy Act to be repealed and the relevant corporate insolvency provisions in the Companies Act being removed.