This blog entry will be the first in a new, ongoing series of entries in the “Bankruptcy Protector” that will attempt to familiarize new attorneys and non-bankruptcy practitioners with the basic concepts of bankruptcy law of which all lawyers should be aware.
In Ko v. Messer, Chapter 11 Trustee, No. 20-02866, 2021 WL 4463029 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 29, 2021), the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York (District Court) rejected a contract purchaser’s argument that the early closing of a bank wire window excused the purchaser’s performance under a contract for the sale of real property.
Op 6 december 2021 heeft de Rechtbank Overijssel de burgemeester van de gemeente Hardenberg aangesteld tot mede-curator in het faillissement van De Zorgstal. Dit is een interessante ontwikkeling omdat, voor zover de auteurs bekend, een burgemeester niet eerder is aangesteld tot mede-curator in een zorgfaillissement.
A recent order from the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas (the “Court”) allowed a debtor to reopen a completed auction based on a significantly more attractive, but untimely, bid. The late bid was approximately three times the cash consideration of the previously declared winning bid, and also provided for the additional containment of potential environmental risks. The decision is being appealed to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas (the “District Court”).
For a company with robust data protection and recovery practices, a ransomware attack may cause a few extra headaches, but it won’t wipe the company out. Companies without those protections in place, however, risk allowing ransomware to bankrupt their entire enterprise.
“Engaged in” eligibility for Chapter 12 (farming operations) and Subchapter V (commercial or business activities) are similar-but-separate things.
An opinion by the Kansas Bankruptcy Court shows the difficulty in addressing the “engaged in” eligibility standards in Chapter 12—even when Subchapter V opinions are consulted as analogous.