As a result of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic (SARS-CoV-2), many companies will find themselves in financial difficulties. The Swiss government has already taken various measures to ease the burden on companies, including a financial assistance program of up to CHF 40 billion, and is considering further measures.


On 8 April 2020, the Federal Council affirmed its willingness to offer support for companies in financial difficulties because of the coronavirus crisis. At the same time, the Federal Council decided not to extend the legal standstill in civil and administrative court proceedings and in debt enforcement actions. The legal standstill will end as planned on 19 April 2020 at midnight.


En raison de la situation exceptionnelle liée à la pandémie du coronavirus, le Conseil fédéral a ordonné une suspension temporaire des poursuites. Cette suspension des poursuites aura effet du 19 mars 2020 au 4 avril 2020 et sera immédiatement suivie par les féries de poursuite qui durent du 5 avril au 19 avril 2020. Nous répondrons ci-dessous à quelques questions pratiques sur le droit des poursuites et faillites en temps de crise du coronavirus.

1. Que signifie « suspension des poursuites » ?


On April 16, 2020, the Swiss Federal Council enacted the COVID-19 Insolvency Ordinance. One of its main goals is to relieve pressure on executive bodies of Swiss entities to request the opening of insolvency proceedings. Relief is targeted at overindebtedness situations caused by negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on liquidity, earnings and going-concern prospects. Further, the Swiss Federal Council put in place a special COVID-19 moratorium.


April 2020

138Newsletter No.


As announced on 9 April 2020, the Swiss Government today adopted measures to prevent a wave of bankruptcies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the heart of the measures is the suspension of the duty to notify the court in the event of over-indebtedness and a new moratorium designed for SMEs (COVID-19 Moratorium).

Newsletter No. 138 April 2020


At the press conference of Friday, 20 March 2020, the Federal Council informed on an additional package of measures to cushion the economic consequences of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

In order to remedy liquidity bottlenecks that continue to exist despite short-time working compensation at companies affected by the forced closure and demand shortages, the Federal Council announced additional support measures.

In addition to:


In der Pressekonferenz von Freitag, 20. März 2020, informierte der Bundesrat über ein zusätzliches Massnahmenpaket zur Abfederung der wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Ausbreitung des Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Zur Abhilfe von Liquiditätsengpässen, die trotz Kurzarbeitsentschädigung bei von der Schliessung sowie von Nachfragerückgängen betroffenen Unternehmen weiterhin bestehen, hat der Bundesrat heute zusätzliche Unterstützungsmassnahmen beschlossen.

So soll nebst:


The tax treatment of financial restructuring measures can significantly impact a company’s financial position.


Introductory remarks

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is currently causing concern and uncertainty and poses challenges to companies and individuals alike. A number of legal issues are also emerging, whether in relation to contractual obligations, labour law matters or corporate law aspects. This article aims to highlight the most important points from a Swiss law perspective and to clarify legal issues in the elaboration of possible courses of action.

1. Commercial contracts

1.1 Force majeure
