1. Introduction

This paper intends to briefly describe the amendment to the Spanish Insolvency Act (“SIA”) approved by the Spanish Parliament on 19 September 2013 (the “Amendment”). Within the Amendment, we want to highlight two issues: (i) the changes introduced in Court homologation proceedings (see definition below), and (ii) the newly introduced out-of-court settlement procedure.


This paper intends to briefly describe the amendment to article 36(4)(h) of the Restructuring and Resolution of Credit Institutions Act 9/2012 (“Act 9/2012”), introduced by Royal Decree Act 14/2013, passed on 29 November 2013 and published in the Official Journal of Spain on 30 November 2013 (the “Amendment”).


Royal Decree-Law 14/2013 ("RD-L 14/2013"), of 29 November, of urgent measures to adapt Spanish law to European Union regulations on the supervision and solvency of financial institutions, that entered into force on 1 December, clarifies the insolvency qualification regime applicable to the credits transferred by SAREB, to third parties, thus modifying section h) of article 36.4 of Act 9/2012, of 14 November, on the restructuring and resolution of credit institutions ("Act 9/2012").


Market participants welcome a clarification extending equitable subordination exemptions granted Sareb to those subsequently purchasing debt from Sareb.

On November 30, 2013, the Spanish legislator approved a recent amendment to Spanish insolvency law, introduced in March 2013, to clarify that a claim transferred to Spanish “bad bank” Sareb, and subsequently sold by Sareb to a third party, will also be exempt from equitable subordination risk.


  1. La venta de la unidad productiva de las sociedades en concurso ha devenido en la actualidad un fenómeno habitual en los Juzgados Mercantiles, en especial de los de Cataluña que cuentan con el apoyo expreso de la Direcció General d´Industria de la Generalitat de Cataluña.

Esta solución concursal permite continuar con la actividad empresarial, asegura el mantenimiento de los puestos de trabajo y evita la destrucción del tejido empresarial.


Act 26/2013, passed on 27 December 2013 and published in the Official Journal of Spain on 28 December 2013 has amended the provisions of the Spanish Insolvency Act (the “SIA”) related to out-of-court restructuring. In particular Act 26/2013 modifies the 4th Additional Disposition of the SIA which allows to, upon certain circumstances, force extensions to dissident financial creditors in Spanish restructurings through the intervention of a Court (hereinafter, the “Court Homologation”).


When public institutions are suffering from financial deficits, one question is usually raised: can they sell art to survive? In the museum world it is generally understood that you are to deaccession art only if the work is duplicative of another work in the collection, or for similar collections-related reasons, and the sale proceeds are used exclusively for collections activities. Therefore, for example, you cannot seek to sell art to obtain sufficient liquidity to meet any financial obligation, or make debt service payments.


Act 14/2013, of September 27, 2013, favoring entrepreneurs and their internationalization (the “Act”), introduces a wide range of reforms on insolvency, corporate, tax and labor matters. Regarding insolvencies, it takes a more flexible approach to the quorum of financial creditors required for court-sanctioned refinancing agreements and it regulates out-of-court agree-ments for payment as mechanisms for out-of-court negotiation with creditors.



Con la finalidad de agilizar la tramitación de los procedimientos de ejecución, reforzar las expectativas de cobro del deudor, dotar de mayor seguridad jurídica al mercado, y en última instancia, para tratar de dar respuesta a algunos de los problemas económicos –y socialesde los últimos tiempos, el Proyecto de Ley Orgánica de Reforma del Código Penal (en adelante, “el Proyecto de Reforma”) propone una nueva regulación de los delitos de alzamiento de bienes e insolvencia punible.


The Madrid Provincial Court (Section 28) ruling of December 7, 2012, and the Barcelona Provincial Court (Section 15) ruling of October 4, 2012, judged the insolvency categorisation of a credit the receivers had categorised as subordinate because they held that the creditor company belonged to the same corporate group as the insolvent company.6 In both cases, the provincial courts analysed the concept of group for the purposes of insolvency before and after the reform of the Insolvency Act introduced under Act 38/2011.
