It is widely known that COVID-19 imposes immediate difficulties on many companies to pay their bills, and – equally – to collect their own outstanding invoices. Below, we discuss the most commonly expected complications against the background of enforcement, leniency provisions and – if worst comes to worst – insolvency in the Netherlands.

Government measures (emergency aid)


The coronavirus (covid-19) has an unprecedented impact worldwide, and in the Netherlands as well. In addition to the major measures taken by the Dutch government, debt restructuring at companies is necessary to prevent bankruptcies. Rapid implementation of the Court Approval of a Private Composition (Prevention of Insolvency) Act (WHOA) could help with this.


Het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie heeft in het arrest Rosbeek q.q./BNP Paribas Fortis NV op 6 februari 2019 (1) prejudiciële vragen (2) beantwoord. Deze waren op 8 september 2017 door de Hoge Raad gesteld.


Op grond van een Europese richtlijn gelden specifieke regels die beogen om werknemers te beschermen als er sprake is van een bedrijfsovername die in juridische zin aangemerkt kan worden als ‘overgang van onderneming’ (OVO). Deze bescherming geldt echter niet indien de werkgever in staat van faillissement is verklaard.



Diversity in boards of larger companies

Targets (i.e., at least 30% women) imposed by Dutch law for a more balanced composition of the executive and supervisory boards of ‘large’ companies shall cease to exist as of 2020. A ‘large’ company is a company that meets two of the following requirements: (i) EUR 20 mio balance sheet total; (ii) net turnover of EUR 40 mio; and (iii) 250 employees. This does not, however, mean that diversity is no longer on the agenda of the Dutch Government.


According to a recent judgment by the Limburg District Court, a pre-pack procedure, or pre-pack, may no longer be used to dismiss employees or re-employ them on different terms of employment.

What is a pre-pack?



On 26 September 2018 the Amsterdam District Court rendered its judgment in the proceedings between the liquidator of Fairfield Sentry Limited, Fairfield Sigma Limited and Fairfield Lambda Limited (which are all established in the British Virgin Islands) against Dutch public limited companies PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants NV and PricewaterhouseCoopers NV and four accountants affiliated therewith (collectively, PwC).(1)


In zijn conclusie van 7 november 2018 formuleert raadsheer advocaat-generaal Widdershoven vijf vuistregels die richtinggevend zouden moeten zijn bij het leerstuk van ‘afgeleid belang’ in het kader van het belanghebbendebegrip in de Algemene wet bestuursrecht (art. 1:2 lid 1 Awb).

Belanghebbendebegrip en afgeleid belang



On 13 July 2018 the Amsterdam Court of Appeal declared the settlement between Fortis (since renamed Ageas) and multiple claimant organisations binding. The €1.3 billion settlement is the largest of its kind in Europe.

Under the settlement, persons who held Fortis shares at any time between 28 February 2007 and 14 October 2008 are entitled to compensation for the events of 2007-2008 subject to a full release of liability with respect to these events.
