The Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE) has recently issued welcome guidance on how the impact of COVID-19 will be considered by the ODCE when evaluating potential restriction cases in respect of directors of insolvent companies – see here.


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, concerns have been raised by directors and bodies representing directors regarding potential liabilities directors may face by allowing businesses to continue to trade where there is a risk of insolvency.

In particular many directors are becoming increasingly concerned of the risks of personal liability being imposed on them if they allow their insolvent business to continue to trade in the anticipation that it will trade itself out of difficulty when the current COVID-19 crisis is behind us.


On Thursday, 4 June 2020, the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (“ODCE”) published a welcome reminder on points to be taken into account when considering liquidators’ reports and the likelihood of restriction proceedings as a consequence of dishonest or irresponsible conduct.

While the ODCE considers each company’s case on its own merits taking into account:

(i) the liquidator’s report on the relevant insolvent entity; and

(ii) any other relevant information obtained independently of the liquidator, broadly speaking:


The Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE) has provided guidance on its approach to directors of companies, made insolvent by the COVID-19 pandemic, who act in good faith on objective evidence in trying to rebuild their businesses.

The issue

The consequences of the COVID-19 crisis have made many businesses that were solvent, and will likely become solvent again, technically insolvent.


Notwithstanding the phased return to some level of normality, some businesses will continue to be significantly affected, particularly those in the hospitality sector where longer term challenges may be encountered due to social distancing requirements, consumer unease and the likely absence of international travel for many months, or perhaps even longer.


The Government has now published the much anticipated Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill (the “Bill”), which will introduce various new corporate restructuring tools as well as the temporary changes to insolvency law that have been announced by the Government since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the second of our series of articles on the much anticipated Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill (the “Bill”), which will enact various new corporate restructuring tools well as make temporary changes to insolvency law as a result of the coronavirus, we focus on the temporary changes to the law regarding the suspension of liability for directors for wrongful trading during the coronavirus pandemic.

The much anticipated Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill(the “Bill”), which will enact various new corporate restructuring tools as well as the temporary changes to insolvency law that have been announced by the government since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, was finally published on Wednesday 20 May.

View our series of articles summarising the Bill:

The sometimes controversial Examinership process, established in 1990, remains a very important tool for Irish companies with viable businesses that find themselves in financial difficulties.

It was established with the intention of preserving employment and benefiting the economy by facilitating corporate recovery. Examinership enables companies that successfully come through the process to do so with new investment and, hopefully, a brighter future that might not have otherwise been possible if the company had been forced into receivership or liquidation.


The High Court has recently struck out proceedings against a defaulting debtor where the bank made a unilateral commercial decision to delay to allow her co-debtor to recover financially so increasing its prospect of recovery.


In Bank of Ireland v Wilson,1 the bank commenced summary proceedings against the defaulting debtors in 2012. The debtors, who were jointly and severally liable on the debt, had been in a relationship but were now estranged.
