Recent heeft het Hof van Cassatie de deur iets wijder opengezet voor schuldeisers van een failliete vennootschap om, hangende het faillissement, een individuele vordering in te stellen tegen de bestuurders van de gefailleerde (Cass. 5 september 2013, A.R. nr. C.12.0445.N, Concreet mocht de fiscus de niet-betaalde bedrijfsvoorheffing, die opgenomen was in het passief van het faillissement, de facto integraal verhalen op de bestuurders, op grond van foutaansprakelijkheid.
Le 5 novembre 2013, la Commission européenne a rendu public son projet de lignes directrices relatives aux aides au sauvetage et à la restructuration des entreprises en difficulté et l’a soumis à une consultation publique qui prendra fin le 31 décembre 2013. Elles remplaceront début 2014 les lignes directrices actuelles, adoptées en 2004.
La proposition de la Commission est disponible sur le lien suivant.
On 1 August 2013, an act amending the Business Continuity Act ("BCA") of 31 January 2009 entered into force.
The new act tackles the most common types of abuse under the Business Continuity Act and aims to reduce the number of bankruptcies following reorganisation governed by the BCA. The basic principles of the Business Continuity Act remain unchanged, however.
Recently, the Belgian Continuity of Enterprises Act (hereinafter the “Act”) celebrated the fifth anniversary of its adoption by the Belgian parliament. Since its entry into force on 1 April 2009, the Act has been quite successful: in comparison with the former “Judicial Composition Act” of 17 July 1997, a significantly larger number of enterprises have had recourse to it. The Act does indeed offer a new range of options – including a potential judicial settlement with debtors – intended to help distressed companies to recover from their financial situation.
Under European law, there are no general rules whit respect to the liability of a holding company for the debts of its insolvent subsidiary.
The Council Regulation (EC) N° 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on insolvency proceedings only provides for a common framework for insolvency proceedings in the European Union (EU). The harmonised rules on insolvency proceedings intend to prevent assets or judicial proceedings being transferred from one EU country to another for the purposes of obtaining a more favourable legal position to the detriment of creditors (“forum shopping”).
Recent Developments
The new law of 19 March 2012 amending the Belgian Companies Code on the liquidation procedure which entered into force on 17 May 2012 (the “Law”) has put an end to the legal uncertainty and the controversial practice that arose from the law of 2 June 2006 regarding the realisation of the dissolution and liquidation of a company in one single act.
This new Law has to be read alongside the law of 22 April 2012 amending the Judicial Code on the liquidation procedure of companies (also entered into force on 17 May 2012).
After almost four years of existence, the Belgian “Act on Continuity of Enterprises” has achieved great success for companies in financial difficulties that wish to shelter from creditors’ lawsuits in order to attempt a restructuring of their business. The Act enables distressed companies to use effective and flexible recovery procedures to continue their business activities and to avoid insolvency.
Overeenkomstig artikel 53 Wet Continuïteit Ondernemingen (hierna “WCO”) is de deelname aan de stemming voorbehouden aan de schuldeisers in de opschorting op wiens rechten het reorganisatieplan een weerslag heeft. Het begrip “weerslag” moet ruim geïnterpreteerd worden en omvat alle maatregelen waarin een reorganisatieplan kan voorzien, zoals een opschortende termijn, een schuldvermindering of elke andere wijziging van de schuldvordering.
Afin de pallier à certains manquements de la LCE et de remédier à certains abus, le législateur a décidé de modifier certaines dispositions de la LCE en adoptant une loi modificative qui ne remet pas fondamentalement cause les principes généraux de la LCE et son intérêt. Certains éléments méritent toutefois que l’on s’y arrête.