Conferences and Webinars

The recordings below are curated from ABI's catalogue of recorded educational sessions from live conferences and webinars, and are updated regularly. The full catalogue can be viewed at

Cross-Border Avoidance Transactions


The following session took place during Cross-Border Insolvency Program in November 2017. In an environment where business takes place largely without regard to borders, avoidance proceedings can catch suppliers off-guard. This panel will discuss the similarities and differences among local avoidance regimes and the challenges facing suppliers dealing across borders. The panel will also address the issues encountered in attempting to enforce cross-border avoidance judgments.

Inter-Court Communications


The following session took place during Cross-Border Insolvency Program in November 2017. This panel of judges and insolvency professionals from various jurisdictions will provide insight into inter-court communications and the challenges faced by judges dealing with cross-border insolvency proceedings. The panel will discuss the use of protocols, the American Law Institute’s Guidelines Application to Court-to-Court Communications in Cross Border Cases and more. All sessions from this conference can be accessed at

Keynote Address


The following session took place during International Insolvency & Restructuring Symposium in October 2017. Sir Ivan Rogers career in the U.K. civil service previously included work for British politicians Kenneth Clarke and Sir Leon Brittan, and he was chosen in 2003 to be Principal Private Secretary to then Prime Minister Tony Blair. From November 2013 to January 2017, Rogers took on the role of the U.K.’s Representative to the European Union in Brussels.

Turnaround Management Association - Distressed Investing in the UK and Europe


The following session took place during International Insolvency & Restructuring Symposium in October 2017. This panel will look at the questions surrounding the typical life cycle of distressed investing in Europe. The panelists have a significant amount of experience in all aspects of the process, from choosing investments to structuring and funding to exiting the deal.

International Insolvency Institute – Scholar Led Panel on Cross-Border Practice Post-Brexit


The following session took place during International Insolvency & Restructuring Symposium in October 2017. Among the many issues that need to be negotiated between England and the EU for the Brexit to happen is the one dealing with restructuring and insolvency law. The U.K. has in recent years — due to its common membership in the European Insolvency Regulation regime — turned into a hotspot for foreign companies (and individuals) wanting to avail themselves of the English legal infrastructure for their recoveries.