Conferences and Webinars

The recordings below are curated from ABI's catalogue of recorded educational sessions from live conferences and webinars, and are updated regularly. The full catalogue can be viewed at

Subchapter V Update


The following session took place during Caribbean Insolvency Symposium in February 2022. This panel highlights some of the roadblocks that small business debtors face at the commencement of their cases, throughout the process and on the road to plan confirmation. First in line is the definition of “engaged in commercial or business activities.” Central to this issue is whether a debtor needs to be actively engaged in business operations to qualify as a subchapter V debtor. Next up is lease assumption. When is it the right time to assume?

Update on Chapter 15 and Other Hot Topics in Cross-Border Insolvency Cases


The following session took place during Caribbean Insolvency Symposium in February 2022. This panel will discuss notable chapter 15 and cross-border insolvency cases decided in the past year, including those involving the scope of discovery available to foreign representatives, § 109 eligibility, and the use of chapter 15 to bind creditors to confirmed plans. The panelists will also discuss logistical and practical solutions in running chapter 15 cases. All sessions from this conference can be accessed at

Opportunities and Obstacles Under New(er) Insolvency Rules in Latin America


The following session took place during Cross-Border Insolvency Program in June 2015. This panel will feature a discussion with leading experts in the field of Latin American restructurings about the recent — and not-so-recent — updates to insolvency statutes throughout the region. While some of these new insolvency regimes remain largely untested, others offer both lessons and open questions about the potential for a true convergence of Latin American restructuring laws to other more established and tested jurisdictions.

Bloomberg Law's Eye on Bankruptcy with Bill Rochelle: Focus on Brazil's Petrobas


The following session took place during Cross-Border Insolvency Program in June 2015. In the past few months, we have seen once-prominent Brazilian companies face financial distress as a result of governmental mistakes, political unease, global decline in oil and gas prices and the downturn in the local credit markets.

Recent Challenges Faced by Foreign Representatives Seeking Relief Under Chapter 15


The following session took place during Cross-Border Insolvency Program in June 2015. Foreign representatives have begun using chapter 15 more creatively in seeking a broad array of relief; consequently, parties in the U.S. have increasingly been raising a number of challenges. In 2014, foreign representatives were presented with a number of objections to chapter 15 relief, including objections questioning the proper location of the foreign debtor’s center of main interests and the fairness of proceedings before the foreign court.

Oil and Gas Restructurings: The Coming “Global Boom”?


The following session took place during Cross-Border Insolvency Program in June 2015. Many companies operating in and around the energy industry have been adversely affected by the recent precipitous drop in the price of oil, a global trend that has exposed vulnerabilities in a number of industry segments and individual companies. The companies, their exposures and the complicated issues raised by their distress span the Americas.