The Fund provides monetary relief to employees when their employers become insolvent. Currently, employees of insolvent employers may apply to the Fund for ex-gratia payment of sums owed to them by their employers under the heads of wages, wages in lieu of notice and severance payment.
In the current economic climate, many companies are facing the prospect of their business becoming insolvent.
From an employer’s, and indeed an insolvency practitioner’s perspective, the rights and obligations owing to employees of which they need to be aware depend on the nature of the insolvency and the terms of the contract of employment.
Bell Lines Limited (in Official Liquidation)
LK Shields Solicitors acted for the Secretary of State for the Department of Business Innovation and Skills of the Government of the United Kingdom (the Secretary of State) in a Supreme Court Appeal which raised a succinct technical point in a liquidation.
With the March quarter day fast approaching it is likely that there will be more businesses becoming insolvent. Some of those businesses will have an interest in Jersey property. For example as owners of Jersey property or holders of a lease of retail premises situated in the Island.
The States of Jersey published a White Paper on a proposed statutory insolvency payments scheme (the "Scheme") on 3 December 2009, with a closing date for consultation responses of Friday 5 February 2010.
The White Paper states:
The current position
On November 1 2007 the State Commission for Insolvency Law presented the Preliminary Bill for an Insolvency Act to the minister of justice. The most important changes to the existing Bankruptcy Act are outlined in this update.
In the recent case of Pressure Coolers Ltd v (1) Mr J Molloy; (2) Maestro International Limited; and (3) Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, the Employment Appeal Tribunal had to decide who should pay an employee’s basic award and notice pay following his unfair and wrongful dismissal after a “pre pack” TUPE transfer from his insolvent employer.
While the construction press seems to be full of speculation over which contractors are currently facing financial difficulties, coverage in relation to consultants' insolvency seems relatively minimal.