It is difficult to predict what 2023 might hold for businesses in the UK. Given the difficult economic environment, many will already be facing a challenging start to the year. Although the challenges of the pandemic (such as lock downs) have gone, others have materialised. Energy price hikes and inflation rises continue to make trading conditions tough.
在最近英国最高法院的一项判决中,资不抵债或接近资不抵债的公司的董事有责任考虑债权人的利益。虽然 BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA [2022] UKSC 25 涉及英国公司法,但它将对理解英联邦地区清盘情况下的董事职责产生深远影响,尤其是在离岸司法管辖区。
普通法和 2006 年《公司法》均规定公司董事有义务以诚信行事,以促进公司的成功。传统观点认为,公司利益等同于公司股东的利益。近几十年来,法律开始承认,当公司濒临破产或资不抵债时,公司债权人的利益可能会受到公司管理层的影响。因此,法律开始要求董事在破产情况下履行对公司的信托义务时考虑债权人的利益。这条被称为 West Mercia 规则(源自 West Mercia Safetywear Ltd (in liq) v Dodd [1988] BCLC 250)的规则从未在案例中得到一致解释,而法院使用的语言经常混淆规则的性质及其产生的确切情况。
In a recent decision, the United Kingdom Supreme Court clarified the duty of directors of insolvent or near insolvent companies to consider the interests of creditors. While BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA [2022] UKSC 25 relates to company law in the United Kingdom, it will have far reaching implications on the understanding of directors' duties relating to insolvency across the commonwealth and, in particular, offshore jurisdictions.
1. My tenant is in administration, do they have to pay the full rent and is the administrator personally liable?
The company in administration has to pay rent as an administration expense for each day that the company occupies or uses the property for the benefit of the administration. The administrator is not personally liable, but the rent is payable as a priority expense ahead of the administrator's fees.
Since the United Kingdom implemented the National Security and Investment Act in January 2022 ("NSI Regime"), there has been a significant increase in state intervention in, and review of, business transactions in the United Kingdom, including for international transactions involving targets with limited activities in the United Kingdom.
This guide should not be relied on as a definitive guide to the legislation and should not be relied on as legal advice. The particular circumstances of any situation will need to be considered to determine if the overseas entity is one that is captured by the legislation, if the estate is a qualifying estate, and whether the beneficial owners need to be registered. As a result, this guide is intended only as a high-level overview.
This guide covers the position of property and land situated in England and Wales only.
What is the Register of Overseas Entities?
The application before Richard Smith J in Re Prezzo Investco Ltd (Re Companies Act 2006) [2023] EWHC 1679 (Ch) was for sanction of a restructuring plan between the company and certain of its creditors under ss 901F and 901G of Part 26A Companies Act 2006.
This guide should not be relied on as a definitive guide to the legislation and should not be relied on as legal advice. The particular circumstances of any situation will need to be considered to determine if the overseas entity is one that is captured by the legislation, if the estate is a qualifying estate, and whether the beneficial owners need to be registered. As a result, this guide is intended only as a high-level overview.
This guide covers the position of property and land situated in England and Wales only.
The Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Bill aims to modernise and simplify the process for taking fixed security over moveable assets in Scotland.
Once enacted, Insolvency Practitioners (IPs) may begin to see real changes in certain aspects of the management of formal insolvency processes in Scotland. This insight sets out a high-level summary of the potential impact of the Bill for IPs if enacted in its present form.
1. Additional opportunities for refinancing
With HMRC more focused than ever before on recovering taxes due, we look at the most common ways in which HMRC can transfer the liability of taxes due and/or penalties to Company Officers and making them personally liable.
The Government has promised to spend an additional £79 million over the next five years to help HMRC tackle tax fraud and address compliance risks amongst wealthy taxpayers. HMRC's efforts will be a threat to businesses affected in terms of costs and expenditure in time in dealing with HRMC.