On 12 March 2010, the FSA published the statement that it had provided to the court appointed examiner of Lehman Brothers Holding Inc, which is referred to in his wider report on the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
View FSA statement to the US bankruptcy court examiner on the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, 12 March 2010
The FSA has published a statement entitled Wider implications referral: Lehman-backed structured products.
In the statement the FSA together with the Financial Ombudsman Service have jointly concluded that the Lehman Brothers’ insolvency raises issues in the UK structured products market.
It has been agreed that the FSA will now consider issues relating to Lehman-backed structured products under “the wider implications process” in order to allow it to explore all options to achieve the best outcome for consumers.
HM Treasury has published a consultation paper which is entitled Special Resolution Regime: the draft FSMA (Contribution to Costs of Special Resolution Regime) Regulations 2010.
This consultation seeks views on all aspects of the draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Contribution to Costs of Special Resolution Regime) Regulations 2010 which will be made under the new FSMA provisions when clause 28 of the Financial Services Bill is enacted.
The deadline for comments on the consultation is 15 June 2010.
On 23 March 2009, the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) published a report on the market impact of the Lehman Brothers default. The report began with a brief discussion of the causes of the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. It then set out some of the regulatory and industry responses to the challenges in the securities field including:
The FSA has published the statement that it has provided to the court appointed examiner of Lehman Brothers Holding Inc, which is referred to in his wider report on the collapse of Lehman Brothers published on 11 March 2010.
View FSA statement to the US bankruptcy court examiner on the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, 12 March 2010
The following is a broad overview of the duties and liabilities of directors when their company is in financial difficulties. It is a general guide only and there will be variations according to the specific laws in each jurisdiction.
The FSA has published a short update on Lifemark S.A. (Lifemark). The FSA reports that on 11 February 2010, the Luxembourg financial services regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the CSSF), applied to the Court in Luxembourg to extend the appointment of Eric Collard of KPMG as provisional administrator in respect of Lifemark.
Following the administration proceedings recently instituted against a number of UK entities (Affected Companies), many counterparties (Counterparties) may wish to terminate transactions under the TBMA/ISMA Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA) entered into between them and Affected Companies.
In the case of In the matter of Construction Confederation and In the matter of the Insolvency Act 1986 [2009] EWHC 3551 (Ch), the trustees of the Construction Confederation Staff Pension Scheme have obtained an order for winding up of the sponsoring employer, an unincorporated association.
On 15 September 2008, the FSA published a statement concerning Lehman Brothers Holding Inc.
In the statement the FSA states that Lehman Brothers Holding Inc, a US investment bank, announced that it intends to file a petition under chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code.