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With our Employment Tracker, we regularly look into the "future of labour law" for you! At the beginning of each month, we present the most important decisions expected for the month from the Federal Labour Court (BAG) and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) as well as other courts. We report on the results in the issue of the following month. In addition, we point out upcoming milestones in legislative initiatives by politicians, so that you know today what you can expect tomorrow.
Employment Tracker
Recent decisions
Employment Tracker DEZEMBER 2022 DEZEMBER 2022 | EMPLOYMENT TRACKER Employment Tracker 2 Bleiben Sie mit uns auf dem Laufenden Mit unserem Employment Tracker blicken wir für Sie regelmäßig in die „Zukunft des Arbeitsrechts“! Jeweils zu Monatsbeginn stellen wir die wichtigsten für den Monat erwarteten Entscheidungen des Bundesarbeitsgerichts (BAG) und des Europäischen Gerichtshofs (EuGH) sowie sonstiger Gerichte vor. In der Ausgabe des jeweiligen Folgemonats berichten wir über die Ergebnisse.
Anyone working in financial services will be aware of the requirement for individuals carrying out regulated roles to be "fit and proper". Clearly this is going to include solid personal finances and demonstrable honesty and integrity. The EAT decided that an estate agent who was dismissed because he became bankrupt and did not tell his employer was fairly dismissed.
This note summarises the duties that directors of companies incorporated in England and Wales are subject to
This note summarises the duties that directors of companies incorporated in England and Wales are subject to.
This note explains those duties, and matters that directors should consider in relation to them, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ob ein Abfindungsanspruch eines Arbeitnehmers in der Insolvenz der Arbeitgeberin in voller Höhe ausgezahlt wird oder aber nur entsprechend einer erheblich niedrigeren Quote, hängt vom Zeitpunkt der Entstehung des Abfindungsanspruchs ab, wie eine neue Entscheidung des Bundesarbeitsgerichts einmal mehr darlegt.
BAG, Urteil vom 14. März 2019 – 6 AZR 4/18
The current position
Independent Insurance Co Limited (In Provisional Liquidation) v Aspinall and another UKEAT/0051/11
Independent Insurance Company - IIC- went into provisional liquidation in June 2001. Half of its employees were made redundant including Mr Aspinall and Mrs O’Callaghan. They issued proceedings claiming a protective award when IIC failed to comply with its collective consultation obligations, consult with employee representatives or arrange for necessary elections.
In the recent case of Pressure Coolers Ltd v (1) Mr J Molloy; (2) Maestro International Limited; and (3) Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, the Employment Appeal Tribunal had to decide who should pay an employee’s basic award and notice pay following his unfair and wrongful dismissal after a “pre pack” TUPE transfer from his insolvent employer.
Important news for those buying a business out of “pre-pack” administration. The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) in Pressure Coolers v.
The EAT has confirmed that it is not necessary for the eventual transferee to have been identified in order for an employee, dismissed in the run up to a transfer, to claim automatic unfair dismissal by reason of a relevant transfer under TUPE (Spaceright Europe Ltd v Baillavoine & another).