On 23 March 2021, the 2011 sale of the One Blackfriars development site in London by administrators was cleared of misfeasance by the High Court, in Re One Blackfriars Ltd [2021] EWHC 684 (Ch).
In a £250 million claim, the company's liquidators had alleged that the former administrators had breached their duties by failing to act independently of the banking syndicate which appointed them, failing to properly assess the value of the site, and selling the site at an undervalue.
Here, we recap the facts of the case and outline the key takeaways to consider.
New act overning attachments and executions
In Nederland is het, vergeleken met omringende landen, vrij eenvoudig om beslag te leggen. De Wet herziening beslag- en executierecht (de ‘Wet’) beoogt het beslag- en executierecht voor schuldeisers eenvoudiger te maken door de mogelijkheden tot digitaal beslag leggen te verruimen. Ook wordt het beslag- en executierecht efficiënter met als gevolg dat schuldeisers minder kosten hoeven te maken om vorderingen te incasseren. Enig tegenwicht biedt de Wet, uitgebreider dan voorheen, door waarborging van het bestaansminimum van natuurlijke personen met schulden.
Duty of care in tort not established in favour of main contractor from third party sub consultant
On 24 March 2021, further extensions were announced to the range of government measures aimed at protecting UK companies and directors affected by COVID-19.
Measures extended to 30 June 2021
The Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space Moratorium and Mental Health Crisis Moratorium) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (the Regulations) are effective from 4 May 2021. Whilst this will provide residential tenants with additional procedural protection in respect of rent arrears, this will be an unwelcome additional hurdle to landlords.
What do the Regulations do?
Austria is moving forward with plans to implement the directive on preventive restructuring frameworks. The draft new law implementing the changes was published in February 2021.
The focus of the draft law is to introduce preventive restructuring proceedings. This will provide a structure for pre-insolvency restructuring to allow for the cram-down of dissenting creditors provided certain conditions are met.
Key points of the current draft
On 24 March 2021, further extensions were announced to the range of government measures aimed at protecting UK companies and directors affected by COVID-19.
Measures extended to 30 June 2021
The new Pre-Pack Regulations have been approved by the UK Parliament and are due to come into effect on 30 April 2021 for administrations commencing from then.
The German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) has ruled that a limited partner is not liable for debts incumbent on the insolvency estate incurred by an administrator in insolvency proceedings.
However, it was unclear who would be liable for debts incumbent on the insolvency estate pursuant to section 55(4) of the German Insolvency Act (the Act) incurred in preliminary insolvency proceedings. A recent BGH ruling on 28 January 2021 (IX ZR 54/20) now provides clarity.
Case summary