Royal Decree-Law 11/2014, of September 5, on urgent measures in insolvency matters, introduces important reforms into the Insolvency Act regarding composition agreements and insolvency liquidation to facilitate the continuity of financially viable companies.
The court ruled to allow the sale of the production unit with assignment to the acquirer of the agreements involving the insolvent companies affected by the transfer of the production unit and necessary for its continuance.
Credits arising under interest rate swap agreements are (i) insolvency credits, as they do not fulfil the requisite of functional synallagma dependent on reciprocal obligations, and (ii) subordinate, because they involve payment of credits arising due to interest.
La apreciación de mala fe a efectos de subordinación del crédito de la contraparte a la restitución en caso de rescisión exige, además de conocer la situación de insolvencia o proximidad a la insolvencia del deudor, la concurrencia de un aspecto subjetivo (conciencia de que se afecta negativamente –perjuicio- a los demás acreedores) y de un aspecto objetivo (valorativo de la conducta del acreedor, consistente en que esta sea merecedora de la repulsa ética en el tráfico jurídico).
When an composition agreement is terminated due to non-fulfillment and the disappearance is declared of its effects over the credits, the affected credits will be recognized for their original amount, and the definitive texts will include the fraction pending of payment, even if the resulting amount after applying the debt relief agreed has been paid in full
A credit institution that is the indirect owner of an insolvent company’s share capital is not a person closely related to the insolvent company, unless it uses an intermediary to avoid that status.
The Supreme Court reiterates the doctrine in its rulings of February 12 and 19, 2013, although in this case, unlike the above rulings, in which the credits were classified as insolvency credits, it concluded that instalments resulting from one finance lease agreement falling due after the declaration of insolvency are claims against the insolvency estate.
Se rechaza la inscripción del nombramiento de liquidador acordado por la junta general ante la aparición de un activo sobrevenido de una sociedad cuya hoja registral había sido cerrada por el juzgado de lo mercantil ante la conclusión del concurso por inexistencia de bienes.
La DGRN se cuestiona si es posible inscribir el acuerdo de nombramiento de liquidador de una sociedad cuya hoja registral fue cerrada por auto del Juez de lo Mercantil que decretó la conclusión del concurso de acreedores de la sociedad por inexistencia de bienes28.
On October 1, 2014, the Official Gazette of the Spanish State (“BOE”) published Act 17/2014, on urgent measures for refinancing and restructuring corporate debt (“Act 17/2014”). This act arises from Royal Decree-Law 4/2014, of March 73 (“Royal Decree-Law 4/2014”), which was approved by the Spanish Congress of Deputies and subsequently processed as a draft bill through the urgent procedure.
The fumus boni iuris used to justify the adoption of interim measures, involving blocking the enforcement of a financial guarantee, was counteracted since the pledge was fully enforceable under Luxembourg law, which was the governing law.
The parties had agreed to institute a financial guarantee on certain shares owned by the insolvent company and the pledge was made subject to Luxembourg law, because the account where the shares were deposited was located in Luxembourg.