The new personal bankruptcy law enters into force on 1 October 2015
The new personal bankruptcy law enters into force on 1 October 2015. Individuals will now be allowed to go bankrupt while creditors are left to struggle. The rules have caused much apprehension and it remains to be seen how business will operate in the new environment.
13 ноября 2015 года был подписан Закон РК «О внесении изменений и дополнений в некоторые законодательные акты Республики Казахстан по вопросам реабилитации и банкротства» (далее – «Закон»), положения которого введены в действие 29 ноября 2015 года. Закон предусматривает поправки в Гражданский процессуальный кодекс РК, Налоговый кодекс РК, Закон РК «О реабилитации и банкротстве» и Закон РК «Об исполнительном производстве и статусе судебных исполнителей».
1. Adoption and entry into force of the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Procedure dated March 8, 2015, No. 21-FZ
Federal Law No. 391-FZ on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2015
The Law introduced amendments to various regulatory acts in the area of bankruptcy, notaries, appraisal activities and concession agreements. We will touch on the changes most important for the real estate market:
In early 2015, credit institutions gained the right to initiate the bankruptcy of their debtors according to a simplified procedure – i.e., without a court decision ordering the recovery of debt.
While the CIS nations have recently provided a multitude of sizeable restructuring cases, the region’s dominant force, Russia, has stood up reasonably well to lengthy economic decline, economic sanctions and the collapse of oil and gas prices. There are now signs however, that its complex troubles are pushing certain companies towards a restructuring or insolvency position.
There has been a significant increase in insolvencies in the construction, real estate, retail and wholesale sectors of the Russian economy, according to the statistics in the Competition Development Bulletin “Concentration on the Russian Markets: Trends in the Period of Recession” published in December 2015 by the Analytical Centre of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Key point
The English Courts have refused to discharge a bankruptcy order made on the basis of the individual's presence in the jurisdiction for one day only, where Russian asset freezing orders had been broken, the Court misled and in the knowledge recognition of a UK bankruptcy order in Russia was unlikely.
The facts
I. Кредитор не вправе требовать исполнения первоначального обязательства до истечения установленного сторонами срока предоставления отступного (КБ "ЭКОНОМИКС-БАНК" (ООО) v. ООО "Мясное подворье". Дело №ВАС-2504/14)
In late December 2014, Russia adopted major changes to its insolvency (bankruptcy) law. Critically, the changes introduced the long-awaited regulation of individual insolvency (personal bankruptcy), with the aim of closing the regulatory gap and supporting individual debtors struggling during Russia's economic downturn.1 Some time has passed since the initial draft law on individual insolvency (personal bankruptcy) was first delivered to the Russian Parliament back in 2012.