In Houston, oil is king. But this year, several energy titans are among a troubling and growing corporate list turning to bankruptcy protection. Even if the economy rebounds unexpectedly, experts expect the sharp increase in bankruptcy proceedings to continue, at least for the remainder of 2020.
Bankruptcy Boom Creates E-Discovery Issues
In the current period of flux, lenders should review their finance documents regarding protections and/or vulnerabilities; and where exposed to industries particularly affected by the COVID-19 outbreak may consider (i) invoking provisions to demand early repayment and/or to preclude further lending; and (ii) whether there is material benefit in doing so. They should also consider pre-emptive steps with a view to staving off critical defaults.
The first half of 2019 continues a long growth rally for the fund finance market, with fund finance deal volume at Mayer Brown significantly up from last year. This growth occurred despite a three-year decline in the number of final fund closings.1 This apparent contradiction can be explained both by the penetration of traditional subscription credit facilities into a broader range of fund types and the diversification of fund finance product offerings in the market (including a notable uptick in the number of hybrid facility and net asset value credit facility closings).
The first step in determining if a subscription credit facility, often called a capital call facility (a “Subscription Facility”), is a viable option for a private equity or similar investment fund (a “Fund”) is to diligence the limited partnership agreement or other organizational document of the Fund (the “LPA”). Subscription Facility lenders usually require that specific concepts and language be included in an LPA in order to provide a Subscription Facility without additional credit support, such as investor consent letters.
Im deutschen Vertragsrecht gilt das Prinzip der Vertragstreue (pacta sunt servanda), welches die Verpflichtung zur Erfüllung von Verträgen zum Gegenstand hat. Hiervon werden im Falle der Insolvenz einer Vertragspartei Ausnahmen gemacht. Mit Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens wird das Prinzip der Vertragstreue modifiziert.
The High Court has formally adopted new guidelines approved by the fledgling Judicial Insolvency Network (“JIN”) designed to encourage and enhance communication between courts where parallel insolvency proceedings have been commenced in different jurisdictions (the “Guidelines”).
Cases of vessel and crew abandonment are increasingly in the headlines, as freight rates sink to levels that can fail to cover shipowners' operating expenses.
On 26 June 2015, Vietnam loosened foreign ownership limits (FOL) in public companies by the adoption of Decree 60/2015 (Decree 60).
The Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York recently held in Edward S. Weisfelner, as Litigation Trustee of the LB Creditor Trust v. Fund 1., et al.