The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV) now implements, with great commitment and unprecedented speed, what it has generally announced on 16 March 2020 (see also The four pillar protective governmental shield for Germany):
The German government announced that it will expand the KfW financing programme.
German legislator finally introduces tax exemption for income resulting from debt waivers in restructuring scenarios with retroactive effect.
The reform of claw-back rights in German insolvency proceedings which provides for more legal certainty for creditors has become effective on 5 April 2017.
2015 Edition A Practical Guide to Russian Restructurings A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO RUSSIAN RESTRUCTURINGS Introduction Restructurings are likely to be a major topic in the Russian Federation during 2015 and beyond. From a legal perspective, the legislation pertaining to restructurings and insolvencies has benefited from a number of positive developments in recent years. In particular, the amendments which were introduced into the Civil Code1 at the end of 20132 (the Civil Code Amendments) and the Insolvency Law3 at the end of December 20144 represent a significant step forward.
While the CIS nations have recently provided a multitude of sizeable restructuring cases, the region’s dominant force, Russia, has stood up reasonably well to lengthy economic decline, economic sanctions and the collapse of oil and gas prices. There are now signs however, that its complex troubles are pushing certain companies towards a restructuring or insolvency position.
�عمل مكتب سلمان بن متعب السديري للمحاماة"مؤسسة فردية" بالتعاون مع ليثم أند واتكن� �� المملكة العر�ية السعودية. و�عمل ليثم أند واتكن� �� جميع أنحاء العالم كشراكة ذات مسؤولية محدودةمنظمة بموجب قوان�ن ولاية ديلاو�ر (بالولايات المتحدة الأمر�كية) بالتعاون مع شر�ات تضامن تا�عة ذات مسؤولية محدودة تقدم خدما��ا �� فر�سا وهونج �ونج وإيطاليا وسنغافورة والمملكة المتحدة، وتقدم الشركة خدما��ا كشركة تضامن تا�عة �� اليابان. كما �عمل الشركة �� �ور�ا ا�جنو�ية كشركة أجنبية للاستشارات النظامية. حقوق النشر لعام ٢٠٢٠ محفوظة لصا�ح ليثم أند واتكن�. جميع ا�حقوق محفوظة.
Debtors and creditors can use several options under the Insolvency Law in Saudi Arabia to address COVID-19-related difficultie
Clearing and Netting Legislation
New legislation suspends contractual obligations for the next six months with related disputes subject to a separate dispute resolution system.
On 7 April 2020, the Singapore Parliament passed the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act (the Act) offering temporary relief to businesses and individuals who are unable to fulfil their contractual obligations because of COVID-19 and providing temporary amendments to bankruptcy and insolvency laws. The Act went into effect immediately.