NEW GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION PROGRAMME: INDUSTRY & SECTOR SPECIFIC BREAKDOWN 19 JANUARY 2015 The Irish Government has published its legislation programme for the Spring/Summer 2015 parliamentary session. There are 32 Bills which are currently before the Oireachtas. In addition, there are 137 proposed Bills set out in the Programme, 41 of which the Government intends publishing during the Spring/Summer Session.
Congil Construction Limited & Companies Acts: Mannion -v- Connolly & Anor [2013] IEHC 544
On the 28 November 2013 the High Court restricted two directors of an insolvent construction company, Congil Construction Limited, for a period of five years.
The High Court and the Supreme Court recently confirmed a Scheme of Arrangement for SIAC Construction Limited (SCL) and certain related companies despite objections from a number of creditors. The creditors claimed that the exclusion of claims for penalties, interest and, in particular, damages not awarded by a certain date and the imposed waiver of subrogated claims was unfairly prejudicial.
Initial Confirmation Hearing
Flanagan & Anor -v- Crosby & Ors [2014] IEHC59
In Re Home Payments Limited (In Liquidation) [2013] IEHC 507, an application for directions was made by the Joint Liquidators of Home Payments Limited for the liquidators’ remuneration, costs and expenses to be discharged from customer accounts. Prior to its liquidation the company had operated as a nationwide household budgeting and bill paying company.
In January 2014, the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) announced that Setanta Insurance Company Limited (“Setanta Insurance”) had ceased carrying on insurance business. As a result, no new business or renewals would be issued by the company, although existing policies would remain in force.
In Re Citywest Hire Ltd (In Liquidation)
Myles Kirby was appointed as Official Liquidator of Citywest Hire Limited (In Liquidation) (“Citywest”). Citywest had operated Il Segreto Restaurant on Merrion Row, Dublin 2 until late June 2013.
The State Airports (Shannon Group) Act 2014 (the “Aviation Act”) came into force on 27 July 2014. The Aviation Act enhances Ireland’s position as a global centre for aviation finance and leasing by, among other things, introducing important reforms in the Shannon Region which will build upon the existing aviation industry of over 40 companies operating in the area.
On 13 August 2014, the Irish High Court gave a judgment which addresses significant issues in examinerships and provides some clarity regarding loan acquisitions and the timing and other considerations for creditors when issuing letters of demand.
In a number of recent cases, borrowers have produced a detailed forensic analysis of the accrual of interest on their accounts by lenders alleging that any error in the calculation of interest invalidates the demand made by the lender and any appointment of a receiver on foot thereof.