The Court of Appeal of England and Wales (“EWCA”) recently handed down its decision in Servis-Terminal LLC v Valeriy Ernestovich Drelle [2025] EWCA Civ 62 clarifying that, as a matter of English law, an “unrecognised” foreign judgment cannot be relied upon as a basis to commence insolvency proceedings.
Given Hong Kong’s status as an international financial hub and the fact that more than 75% of the companies listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are incorporated in either the Cayman Islands or in Bermuda (only around 11 percent are incorporated in Hong Kong), it is common for foreign liquidators to conduct investigations in Hong Kong.
As a general recap (following recent developments in the jurisprudence) [1], in order to seek recognition and assistance from the Hong Kong Court, a foreign liquidator would have to establish the following:
最近在Re Carnival Group International Holdings Ltd [2022] HKCFI 2668一案中,本所代表呈请人成功申请将嘉年华国际控股有限公司(「该公司」)清盘。该公司是一家在香港联合交易所(「联交所」)上市的百慕达公司。在本案中,法院澄清及确认其将外国公司清盘的司法管辖权。此外,法院命令就讼费问题将该公司董事(「董事」)加入为被告人,因此日后假如公司在欠缺理据的情况下反对清盘呈请,董事或须就呈请人及支持清盘的债权人的讼费承担个人责任。
该公司在百慕达注册成立,并根据香港前《公司条例》第XI部注册为海外公司,其股份在联交所上市,股份代号 996。该公司是一家投资控股公司,持有在香港、中国内地及英属维尔京群岛注册成立的附属公司(统称「该集团」)。该集团主要在中国内地经营主题式休闲及消费业务。
最近在Re Carnival Group International Holdings Ltd [2022] HKCFI 2668一案中,本所代表呈請人成功申請將嘉年華國際控股有限公司(「該公司」)清盤。該公司是一家在香港聯合交易所(「聯交所」)上市的百慕達公司。在本案中,法院澄清及確認其將外國公司清盤的司法管轄權。此外,法院命令就訟費問題將該公司董事(「董事」)加入為被告人,因此日後假如公司在欠缺理據的情況下反對清盤呈請,董事或須就呈請人及支持清盤的債權人的訟費承擔個人責任。
該公司在百慕達註冊成立,並根據香港前《公司條例》第XI部註冊為海外公司,其股份在聯交所上市,股份代號 996。該公司是一家投資控股公司,持有在香港、中國內地及英屬維爾京群島註冊成立的附屬公司(統稱「該集團」)。該集團主要在中國內地經營主題式休閒及消費業務。
Historically, the Hong Kong courts have generally recognised foreign insolvency proceedings commenced in the jurisdiction in which the company is incorporated. This may no longer be the case in Hong Kong following the recent decision of Provisional Liquidator of Global Brands Group Holding Ltd v Computershare Hong Kong Trustees Ltd [2022] HKCFI 1789 (Global Brands).
2009年11月5日,中国恒大集团,China Evergrande Group,港股上市代码:03333(下称“中国恒大(03333.HK)”),使用“红筹结构”的模式在香港联交所成功上市,上市当天中国恒大股票收盘价比发行价高出34.28%,总市值创下705亿港元的纪录成为中国香港和市值最大的海外企业。
Correcting a widespread mistake, Mr Justice Harris in Re China Ocean Industry Group Ltd [2021] HKCFI 247 held that the Court has no jurisdiction to make a validation order after a winding-up petition in respect of the issue of new shares and convertible bonds (“CBs”).
The correct position is that a company subject to a winding-up petition may issue new shares and CBs without a validation order.
Background to the widespread mistake and the present case
Hong Kong
When the Hong Kong Court recognises offshore soft-touch provisional liquidation, will there be an automatic stay of proceedings in Hong Kong?
Recently, in Re FDG Electric Vehicles Limited [2020] HKCFI 2931, the Companies Court answered “no”. In doing so, the Court revisited the wording of the standard-form recognition order.
Soft-touch provisional liquidations