On December 29, the UK Treasury published a summary of responses to its consultation on its proposals to reform Part 7 of the UK Companies Act 1989 and related legislation. Part 7 of the Companies Act 1989 modifies the UK’s general insolvency law to provide systemic protection for recognized investment exchanges and recognized clearinghouses in the event of a default by one of their members
On 25 July 2008, HM Treasury published a Consultation Paper entitled Modernising the insolvency protections for the operation of financial markets - proposals to reform Part 7 of the 1989 Companies Act (the Consultation Paper).
The European High Yield Association's proposals for reforming the UK insolvency laws risk pushing the UK towards the US litigation-heavy model says Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP, the City law firm.
In proposals submitted to HM Treasury, the trade body for the high yield debt industry called for a "court supervised restructuring process" where:
The European High Yield Association (EHYA), which represents banks and investors involved in high risk bond and loan markets, has written to the UK Treasury suggesting three key areas to reform insolvency legislation to improve the 'efficiency and fairness' of corporate restructurings.
The letter suggests changes to help prevent value destruction caused by suppliers and customers terminating contractual relations, speed up resolution of disputes and restrict the influence of creditors and shareholders with no economic interest in the revalued business.
Peter Bloxham has completed the first phase of his independent review of the Investment Bank Special Administration Regulations 2011 and in February 2013 presented an interim report, which HM Treasury has now published. In addition to making a number of immediate recommendations, the interim report sets out further areas to be reviewed as part of a second phase of work.
Yesterday Treasury released "guidance on its role in the exploration of a possible initial public offering of the common stock of General Motors Company." Under the Troubled Asset Relief Program, Treasury acquired 60.8% of GM's common stock and $2.1 billion of its preferred stock in connection with GM's restructuring last summer.
On September 16, HM Treasury published its third consultation on new insolvency arrangements for investment firms. The consultation sets out the government’s final proposals for a special administration regime (SAR) for investment firms.
Most polls, political pundits, and crystal balls are predicting a larger crowd on the Republican side of the aisle after the midterm elections, potentially giving them a majority in the House and tightening the margin in the Senate. The natural question that follows is what will happen to Dodd-Frank if the composition of Congress changes significantly? Is it possible that with a Republican majority the House may seek to repeal one of the most controversial pieces of legislation enacted by the Obama administration?
The FDIC has published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing rules for the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act provisions providing that the FDIC may, as a receiver, “resolve” (i.e., liquidate) covered financial companies.
On September 7, the U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Housing Finance Authority (FHFA) placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship, and announced (i) Treasury’s entry into a Senior Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement with each Government Sponsored Entity (GSE), (ii) the creation of a Government Sponsored Entity Credit Facility (GSECF), and (iii) the adoption of a GSE Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) Purchase Program.