Il 5 aprile scorso l’Avvocato Generale Campos Sànchez-Bordona (AG) ha rassegnato le proprie conclusioni nell’ambito della causa C-245/16 pendente innanzi alla Corte di Giustizia (CdG) e instaurata su un rinvio pregiudiziale da parte del TAR Marche.
On 22 November 2016, the European Commission published a draft directive on insolvency, restructuring and second chance. In this briefing we consider the proposals and what it means for European insolvency and for the UK.
On 22 November 2016, the European Commission published a draft directive on insolvency, restructuring and second chance (the Proposals).
What are the Proposals? The Proposals have three main parts:
This briefing covers Brexit implications of restructuring and insolvency, in particular it discusses the implications on the European Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings and recognition of insolvency judgments and how schemes of arrangement will be impacted by Brexit.
Pension scheme trustees will generally be concerned to try to ensure that the “safety net” provided by the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) remains potentially available for their scheme.
Current state of play
We reported in December 2014 that the amendments to the EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceeding (the Recast Regulation) were virtually finalised and agreed between the various legislative organs of the European Union.
Finally after several years, the debate is now over and the European Parliament has now approved the final text – broadly as it was in December 2014. The outcome is good news for cross border corporate restructurings and insolvencies around Europe, but it will not come into force for over two years.
Next steps
The Court of Appeal’s judgment in The Trustees of the Olympic Airlines SA Pension & Life Insurance Scheme v Olympic Airlines SA [2013] EWCA Civ 643 has clarified what is required to fall within the definition of an ‘establishment’ for the purposes of the EC Insolvency Regulation (the Insolvency Regulation).
In its communication on an EU framework for crisis management in the financial sector dated 20 October 2010, the European Commission set out several major legislative proposals aimed at preventing a repeat of the recent bank failures that necessitated significant state aid.
This note sets out the duties of the following directors of French companies with a particular focus on the duties owed by such directors of companies in financial difficulties:
A new law which came into force on 8 August 2015 now permits a French court to enforce debt-for-equity swaps. Where the debtor company is in judicial reorganisation proceedings (redressement judiciaire) and if certain conditions are met, the court can either: