The European Union Court of Justice states that pledges over bank accounts are not resistant to insolvency procedures if the account holder can dispose of the monies deposited in the account
The European Union Court of Justice ("EUCJ") has issued a judgment dated 10 November 2016 in the Matter No C-156/15 (Private Equity Insurance Group ("SIA") v Swedbank AS) in response to a request for a preliminary ruling from the Supreme Court of Latvia, the country in which the bank Swedbank AS is based.
In an address last week to the Insolvency Lawyers Association, Sir Geoffrey Vos,
the new Chancellor of the High Court, looked at the future for Insolvency and Business Litigation in London, especially after Brexit.
On 26 October 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union has rendered a decision (case C-195/15) on the interpretation of “rights in rem” under article 5 of the Insolvency Regulation (
The consequences for cross-border insolvencies will largely depend on how Brexit is implemented, but will not affect schemes of arrangement
Understanding and mastering cross-border insolvency requires a thorough knowledge of the different domestic insolvency regimes, all of which have distinctive procedures and rules on jurisdiction and recognition of foreign proceedings. Creditors and debtors look for the most favourable system: in this framework, the UK insolvency system is usually considered “creditor-focused”.
- The farming and agricultural sector continues to experience financial pressures.
We are currently still in a lot of unknown territory; so how will our exit from the EU affect Debts here in the UK, in Europe and in other countries?
Once the UK finalises the exit from the EU, any debts someone may have in the EU will fall into the category of similar non-EU debts in other countries, such as the United States. Whilst you can include those debts in a UK bankruptcy you are only afforded the protection from them in the UK.
The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) is responsible for paying compensation to members of defined benefit occupational pension schemes where the scheme is in deficit on a PPF funding basis and the employer becomes insolvent. One of the criteria that must be satisfied by a scheme to enter the PPF is that the participating employer(s) suffer a "qualifying insolvency event" (QIE).
1.1 Access to ARF option for holders of Buy-Out Bonds originating in DB Schemes
A change to the Revenue Commissioner's administrative procedures, effective from 22 June 2016, means that former defined benefit scheme members whose benefits were transferred to a buy-out bond may now access an Approved Retirement Fund ("ARF") rather than being restricted to the purchase of an annuity.
Az Európai Unió Bírósága közzétett végzésében megerősítette a korábbi gyakorlatát a székhelyét más államba áthelyező társaság fizetésképtelensége esetén irányadó joghatósági szabályokkal kapcsolatban. Bejegyzésünkben röviden áttekintjük az irányadó esetjogot, és azt, hogy ebben milyen változást fog hozni a 2017-től alkalmazandó új uniós jogszabály.