On 26 June 2019 the Official Journal of the European Union published Directive (EU) 2019/1023 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on preventive restructuring frameworks, on discharge of debt and disqualifications, and on measures to increase the efficiency of procedures concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt, and amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 (the "Directive").
1. Introduction
With cov-lite financings at record highs, debt holders will need to be proactive in maximising recoveries
Will the last person leaving please turn out the lites?
Cov-lite loans can leave lenders with limited restructuring options, but creative lenders will still find ways to bring debtors to the table, partners Ian Wallace and Christian Pilkington of global law firm White & Case LLP explain
In Budimex SA (C224/18), the CJEU was asked by a Polish Court to determine the time of supply in relation to a construction contract where no invoice was issued in accordance with articles 63 and 66 of the Principal VAT Directive (PVD), which provide that the chargeable event for VAT purposes is when the services are supplied.
A member state’s court entertaining an insolvency proceeding has exclusive jurisdiction to entertain clawback actions brought within the proceeding
Imagine that a debtor voluntarily concludes a transaction with a third party where he knows (or should know) that it hinders the creditor’s possibilities of collecting the debt. In civil law countries, a creditor can invoke the nullification of that legal act by means of a so-called actio pauliana. This raises the question of which court has jurisdiction in the case of an international dispute, regarding an actio pauliana, that is instituted by a creditor against a third party?
Cases involving the application of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1346 / 2000 (the ‘Regulation’) have been rare before the Maltese Courts since Malta joined the European Union in May 2004. Thus far, the only instance where an issue involving the interpretation of the Regulation arose involved a maritime case – The Foreign Economic Technical Co. Operative Company of China et vs m.v.
Introduction Following recent proposed changes to UK restructuring and insolvency law, a new European Union (“EU”) directive concerning restructuring within EU Member States proposed by the European Commission (“Commission”) has reached an advanced stage.
Im Rahmen der Globalisierung sind Unternehmen regelmig nicht nur im Grndungsland, sondern in mehreren Rechtsordnungen ttig. Fr den Fall, dass ein Unternehmen scheitert, sind daher bestimmte Regeln erforderlich, die ein eventuelles Insolvenzverfahren vorhersehbar machen. In der EU gibt es derzeit zwei Verordnungen1, die fr die Zeit vor bzw. die Zeit ab 24.06.2015 gelten.
Grenzberschreitende Insolvenz in der EU
1. Introduction
The new Regulation follows on the path of Regulation No. 1346/2000, representing the last step of a process which has been started years ago. European Union authorities resorted also to other means in this direction: aside to the Regulation, a Recommendation has been issued in 2014, inviting Member States to adopt internal procedures more favourable to restructuring (rather than liquidating) distressed businesses.