Wie Bauunternehmen und Bauherren vorbeugen können
Seit dem vierten Quartal 2020 sind die Preise für Baustoffe stark angezogen. Medienberichten zufolge verteuerte sich allein der Preis für Holz um 15-20 %, der Preis für Mineralölerzeugnisse steigerte sich um 15 %, für Dieselkraftstoffe um 20 %. EPS-Dämmstoffe für Fassaden kosten sogar rund 25 % mehr, als dies noch im Dezember der Fall war. Betonstahl ist seit September nochmals um 30 % teurer geworden.
Since the fourth quarter of 2020, prices for building materials have risen sharply. According to media reports, the price of wood alone increased by 15-20 %, whilst prices for petroleum products and diesel fuel rose by 15 % and 20 % respectively. Styropor insulation materials for facades also cost about 25 % more than in December. Reinforced steel has become 30 % more expensive since September.
- The judgment in Bresco Electrical Services Limited (in liquidation) v Michael J Lonsdale (Electrical) Limited recognised that insolvent parties have an unfettered right to adjudicate.
- In so doing the judgment opened the door for Insolvency Practitioners to use adjudication, or the threat of adjudication, to resolve disputes arising under construction contracts.
Good afternoon.
Following are this week’s summaries of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of May 31, 2021.
The Act provides that a payment clause will be invalid if it makes payment conditional on:
The Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA“) proceedings involving Carillion Canada and related entities (collectively, “Carillion Canada”) have been an ongoing area of interest for the construction industry since proceedings began in early 2018.
Over the past year, the Covid-19 pandemic upended many industries. While the construction industry has largely been able to operate throughout the pandemic, albeit with increased and ever-changing restrictions on jobsites, one consequence of these disruptions may be an increase in construction-related bankruptcy filings. Already in 2021, there have been over 70 construction-related bankruptcy filings across the country. For many property owners and real estate developers, these filings create a nightmare scenario where work may slow or even stop entirely.
Duty of care in tort not established in favour of main contractor from third party sub consultant
The majority of the building and engineering contracts that we encounter (and draft) require some form of performance security from the contractor, whether this is a parent company performance guarantee granted by the contractor's ultimate holding company, or a performance bond granted by a third party surety or a bank for a capped sum. Indeed most, if not all, standard form contracts provide for these forms of security, even if only as an option.