DBI 2017 - A5 With Bleed.indd 3 20.02.2017 8:22:56 Doing Business in Russia 2017 Baker & McKenzie - CIS, Limited Moscow Office White Gardens, 10th Floor 9 Lesnaya Street Moscow 125047, Russia Telephone: +7 495 787 27 00 Fax: +7 495 787 27 01 [email protected] St. Petersburg Office BolloevCenter, 2nd Floor 4A Grivtsova Lane St.
Conducting Business in Ukraine 2017 All of the information included in this document is for informational purposes only, and may not reflect the most current legal developments, judgments, or settlements. This information is not offered as legal or any other advice on any particular matter.
The insolvent trading "safe harbour" and "ipso facto" clause reform
The key points
Last week, the federal government circulated an exposure draft of the Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Enterprise Incentives No. 2) Bill (the Bill). The Bill is intended to promote entrepreneurship and innovation among directors of companies facing insolvency - this is to be achieved through two fundamental changes to existing insolvency laws.
The recent decision in Re Swan Services Pty Limited (in liq)
On July 1, 2016, the Penalization of Bankruptcy Fraud Amendment Act (the "Act") came into force. The Act aims to combat bankruptcy fraud and stimulate companies to keep proper records at all times.
Obligation to keep company records
A Dutch company's board of managing directors must keep records of the company's financial position and everything related to the company's activities. Additionally, it must keep the company's books, records and other data in such a manner that the company's rights and obligations can be ascertained from them at any time.
What you need to know
The High Court yesterday affirmed the flexibility of the purposes for Deeds of Company Arrangement (DOCA). In its reasoning, the Court placed very few limits on the use of what are commonly called "holding" DOCAs. It confirmed that a holding DOCA can be validly accepted by creditors to allow more time for an administrator to investigate the future options for an insolvent company.
The concept of winding up does not exclusively apply to insolvent companies. Solvent companies can also be wound up, on the initiation of the company’s directors and shareholders (for example, as part of a corporate reconstruction or to close down non-operating or redundant entities).
An overview of the two key procedures to effect the dissolution of a solvent Australian company, being Members’ Voluntary Liquidation and Deregistration, is set out below.
The Hong Kong court in Re The Joint Liquidators of Supreme Tycoon Limited (in liquidation in the British Virgin Islands) (08/02/2018, HCMP833/2017), [2018] HKCFI 277 (“Re Supreme Tycoon”) has, for the first time, granted recognition and assistance to foreign liquidators appointed in a creditors’ voluntary winding-up.
Russia’s bankruptcy law (the Law) has been amended to expand the list of persons who may be held vicariously liable for a bankrupt’s debts and clarify the grounds for such liability.
Definition of controlling person clarified