Via libera definitivo del Consiglio dei Ministri al decreto legislativo attuativo della riforma organica del diritto della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza.
The case
The receiver of a bankrupt joint-stock company sued its directors before the Court of Rome, in order to ascertain their liability, pursuant to Article 146 of Bankruptcy Law.
More precisely, the bankruptcy was considered the result of a transaction particularly burdensome with respect to the company’s share capital and unjustified in relation to the economic value of the block of shares acquired.
According to decision no. 17441, of 31 August 2016, of the First Division of the Supreme Civil Court, the liability of directors without management power cannot originate from a general failure to supervise – that would be identified in the facts as a strict liability – but must be attributed to the breach of the duty to act in an informed way, on the basis of both information to be released by executive directors and information that non-executive directors can gather on their own initiative.
The Supreme Court (decision No. 20559 of 13 October 2015), decided that a single application for admission to theprocedure is not admissible if it involves a group, with a single proposal for all the creditors of the different companies,although the relevant assets and liabilities are kept formally separated.
The case
Page | 1 Pubblicato in G.U. il Decreto Legge sulla Riforma delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo Finance Law Alert Follow up 16 FEBBRAIO 2016 PUBBLICATO IN G.U. IL DECRETO DI RIFORMA DELLE BCC Con riferimento al nostro precedente alert dell'11 febbraio 2016 relativo alla riforma delle BCC, abbiamo redatto il presente alert di follow up a seguito della pubblicazione in Gazzetta Ufficiale, Serie Generale n. 37, del 15 febbraio 2016, del decreto legge 14 febbraio 2016 n.
On August 26, 2011 the Italian Supreme Court issued the decision no. 32899 stating that shareholders of a company will commit an offence if they unreasonably provide funds to a company in distress, rather than proceeding with the immediate liquidation of the company.
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