1.All eyes on redemption right
Redemption rights have increasingly been under the spotlight in the past year, as more and more investors contemplate an exit from under-performing investments.
As the redemption of shares involves a return of capital, it is prohibited under Cayman Islands law except to the extent permitted by statute. Section 37 of the Cayman Islands’ Companies Act (the Act) provides:
Key takeaways
Do you have any Cayman Islands entities that you are considering terminating prior to year-end?
In this briefing, Ogier Global's Corinne Cellier, associate director and head of our solvent liquidations team, reminds us of the options and timing for the termination of Cayman Islands entities. Our aim is to make the process as straightforward and clear as possible for our clients, navigating the applicable deadlines and regulatory considerations.
The Cayman Islands team obtained what may be the first instance of a permanent stay of an official liquidation of a Cayman Islands company.
Few would disagree that when a company is placed in official liquidation, that is the penultimate step before the company's death. Official liquidators will realise the company's assets and distribute them to stakeholders, before the company's eventual, but inevitable dissolution.
But does official liquidation have to be the end of the company? Can anything be done to halt the march towards dissolution?
In many of the recent insolvencies of digital asset companies, liquidators have been appointed over companies in which digital assets have been fraudulently transferred from wallets controlled by an insolvent company into other unidentified wallets in foreign jurisdictions.
The anonymity of cryptoassets causes serious difficulties for insolvency practitioners in identifying the third parties who received funds and the location of the digital wallets.
A warm welcome to the Summer edition of Conyers Coverage. The whirlwind that is the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry continues to blow with gusto! To keep you updated on recent developments, we include various items from our Insurance, Regulatory and Litigation teams, we ponder the possibilities and implications for the Cayman Islands in potentially securing Qualified Jurisdiction status with the NAIC and lots more beyond. We think there’s something for everyone in our latest edition so please dig in.
To NAIC or Not to NAIC?
Re Touradji Private Equity Master Fund Ltd において、ケイマン諸島大法廷は、任意清算中の3つのファンドについて、被害を受けた一部の投資家と共同任意清算人による申請に基づき、投資マネージャーの異議を棄却して、監督命令を下しました。
この決定は、裁判所が当該申請について適用する審査基準の指針を示し、会社法(Companies Act)第131条(b)に基づいて任意清算を公的清算に転換することが効果的、経済的、迅速的であると裁判所が考える各種の事例を示しています。
On August 31, 2022, significant amendments to Part V of the Cayman Islands Companies Act (“Act”) took effect to revamp the Cayman Islands restructuring regime. These amendments introduced the new role of a court-appointed “Restructuring Officer” and a dedicated “Restructuring Petition.” The Cayman Islands restructuring officer regime (“RO Regime”) shares certain features with the Chapter 11 bankruptcy procedure in the US and Canada’s Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.
昨今、ケイマン諸島の判決で、債権者との間のスキーム・オブ・アレンジメントを取り扱ったRe In the Matter of E-House (China) Enterprise Holdings Limited [1]において、セガル裁判官が米国、英国、ヨーロッパにおける制裁措置がスキーム・オブ・アレンジメントにどのような潜在的な法的影響をもたらすか、また、当該スキームが国際的にどのような法的効果を有するのかを明確にする判断を示しました。
The recent English High Court decision of Wright v Chappell related to the collapse of British Home Stores provides a landmark ruling of which directors of Cayman Islands companies need to be aware. This is the first time damages have been awarded against directors for 'misfeasant trading'. Directors may be held liable for any 'insolvency deepening' activity in failing to file for insolvency when it would be in the creditors' interests to do so.