On December 11 2015 the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) enacted Regulation 28/POJK.05/2015 concerning the Dissolution, Liquidation and Bankruptcy of Insurance Companies, Sharia Insurance Companies, Reinsurance Companies and Sharia Reinsurance Companies. The regulation was authorised by Articles 42(4), 44(3), 45(3) and 51(4) of Law 40/2014 concerning Insurance, which require the aforementioned processes to be governed by a specific regulation.
Indonesia has had a bankruptcy law since 1905, when Staatsblad 1905 No. 217 juncto Staatsblad 1906 No. 348 Concerning Bankruptcy was enacted. In response to the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis, and the view that the 1905 bankruptcy law was out of date and irrelevant to modern commercial needs, the Government on April 22, 1998, issued Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1 of 1998 regarding Amendments to the Bankruptcy Law. GR 1/1998 was adopted as Law No. 4 of 1998 on September 9, 1998. Law No. 4 of 1998 was eventually revoked by Law No.
Provider Beware! Bankruptcy Payment Order May Be Required to Pay a Bankrupt's Pension to Official Assignee
Welcome to day 3 of our '12 Days of Christmas' series. Today we look back on the effect of bankruptcy on a personal pension policy.
On 29 October 2018, HM Treasury published a consultation paper on a breathing space scheme and a statutory debt repayment plan, which were both part of the government’s 2017 manifesto commitments.
Costello J in the High Court recently gave judgment in the case of In re James Coady (a Former Bankrupt) [2017] IEHC 653. In this case the Official Assignee ("OA") had sought directions in respect of what rights could vest in the OA from the bankrupt's pre-retirement personal pension policy (the "PP"). The bankrupt had reached normal retirement age under the PP after he was adjudicated bankrupt but before he was discharged from bankruptcy.
The Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act 2015 reduced the normal duration of bankruptcy from three years to one year. Up until December 2013 the standard period had been twelve years - so the reduction was a fundamental change and it was seen as a very "pro-debtor" reform of law, which was also aimed at reducing "bankruptcy tourism".
Extending the Period of Bankruptcy
A recent High Court case has brought about a change in the status quo involving personal insolvency arrangements and separated spouses. Banks were previously unable to complete deals with one spouse without the mutual cooperation of both parties. However the decision of JD & Personal Insolvency Acts1 has altered this position.
The Bankruptcy (Amendment) Bill 2015 has been passed without amendment and was signed by the President on Christmas Day 2015. The headline amendment in the Bill is the reduction of the term of Bankruptcy from 3 years to 1 year which mirrors the term of bankruptcy in the UK. In addition to certain procedural amendments, the key amendments are summarised as follows:
Bankruptcy law in Ireland is now, broadly speaking, in line with that of the United Kingdom.
In particular, for bankrupts who cooperate with the bankruptcy process:
- bankruptcy will end in one year; and
- their interest in their family home will re-vest in them after 3 years.
Notably however, the courts will have discretion to extend the period of bankruptcy for up to 15 years for non-cooperative individuals and those who have concealed or transferred assets to the detriment of creditors.
On 25 December 2015 the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act 2015 (the “2015 Act”) was signed into Irish law. Its purpose is to create a more rehabilitative regime for bankrupt individuals while simultaneously deterring and penalising those who refuse to cooperate with the bankruptcy or who try to conceal income or assets from creditors.