Entrepreneurs in difficulty, who are struggling with the performance of a contract, may benefit from a restructuring procedure. Any restructuring procedure guarantees the protection of executed contracts, with the most effective solution being the reorganization procedure (postępowanie sanacyjne).


It has been just over a year since the introduction of Poland's new electronic insolvency procedure. The new procedure, introduced on 1 December 2021, is generally conducted via an online platform, the National Debtors’ Register, and has brought about a revolutionary change to Polish insolvency procedure.

Positive developments

  • Faster access to the court - Documents filed on the online platform are instantly disclosed to the judge and to the other parties involved. The court’s decisions are also delivered quickly to the parties.


The deepening crisis of debtor honesty means that today, more than ever, creditors face the risk that debtors will not only fail to pay their debts voluntarily, but will hinder enforcement by transferring assets to third parties. In such situations, a fraudulent transfer claim against the third party (sometimes called a “Pauline action”), known and applied in legal systems of many countries around the world, comes to the creditor’s rescue.

Fraudulent transfer claim against a third party: how it works


After two years of lockdowns, Poland, like many other countries, is feeling the significant economic impact of Covid-19.

With the conflict in Ukraine, there is a risk that this economic turbulence will be magnified. Signs of uncertain times ahead include rising inflation and climbing interest rates. These are problems which will take time and effort to resolve. The government and parliament are proposing changes to legislation aimed at helping companies and entrepreneurs to conduct business “as usual” and to take the edge off the harsh realities.


Podwyższeniu ma ulec maksymalny wymiar kar pieniężnych nakładanych na związki przedsiębiorców przez organ ochrony konkurencji i konsumentów. A w przypadku niewypłacalności związku, przewiduje się odpowiedzialność solidarną jego członków.

Often, debtors’ shares in companies are subject to seizure in security or enforcement proceedings. But the debtor does not lose its status as a shareholder in the company after the shares are seized, and the creditor still remains a third party with respect to the company. Thus the debtor may continue to exercise the corporate rights attached to the seized shares, making it difficult for the creditor to satisfy its rights.


In its judgment of 10 February 2021 (case no. I CSKP 33/21), the Supreme Court of Poland considered a cassation appeal by a claimant seeking to prove that it was wronged as a creditor in a fraudulent transfer claim against a third party (governed by Art. 527 and following of the Civil Code). The Supreme Court raised important issues in this debatable decision from the point of view of the safety of participants in commerce, including creditors. Among other things, the court pointed out that the assessment of whether a creditor was harmed within the meaning of Art.


Thanksto bankruptcy proceedings creditors do not have to fight with each other over the debtor's assets in order to carry out individual enforcements.The order of satisfaction of claimsprescribed by law means that the claims of the weakest creditors, i.e. employees, are paid first.Subsequently, the claims of contractors and the tax office are repaid.Only at the end are the claims of the shareholders paid off.


Business email compromise, or BEC is a type of cyber-facilitated fraud where fraudsters compromise IT networks, intercept business communications, and by using different manipulation techniques, trick employees into making wire transfers to fraudulent bank accounts. The fraud itself is not a new creature. It is an old trick, merely conducted with the use of modern technologies.


Temat informatyzacji postępowań sądowych jest w Polsce obecny niezmiennie już od wielu lat. Środowiska prawnicze są w zasadzie zgodne co do tego, że zmiany w tym zakresie są konieczne i powinny nastąpić jak najszybciej[1]. Jako główne zalety informatyzacji postępowań wskazuje się uproszczenie procedur, minimalizację kosztów oraz oszczędność czasu.