Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has caused significant changes in all areas of Ukrainian life, and litigation is no exception. Some legal provisions that had previously been fully operational lost their relevance with the onset of martial law, and vice versa – a significant number of issues began to require regulation by the state. The bankruptcy sector in Ukraine has also been affected by this issue, and the legislator has faced a number of issues that have arisen and need to be resolved within the framework of bankruptcy proceedings.
Appeal to the court with an application for opening of bankruptcy proceedings is a complex and challenging task. Applicants in such cases must not only take into account the provisions of the law but also a significant number of conflicting positions set forth in the rulings of the Supreme Court. In particular, the existing approach to the category of "dispute over the right" in bankruptcy cases may become a barrier.
Звернення до суду із заявою про відкриття провадження у справі про банкрутство — це комплексне і складне завдання. Заявникам у таких справах необхідно не лише враховувати положення законодавства, а й зважати на значну кількість суперечливих позицій, викладених у постановах Верховного Суду. Бар’єром, зокрема, може стати наявний підхід до категорії «спір про право» у справах про банкрутство.
On July 13, 2023, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Certain Issues of Proceedings and Application of Bankruptcy Procedures During Martial Law” No. 2911-IX (hereinafter referred to as the Law).
On July 26, 2023, the Law was signed by the President of Ukraine. The Law enters into force on the day following its publication.
13 липня 2023 року Верховна Рада України прийняла Закон України «Про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів України щодо окремих питань провадження та застосування процедур банкрутства у період дії воєнного стану» (далі – Закон).
26 липня2023 рокуЗакон було підписано Президентом України. Закон набирає чинності з дня, наступного за днем його опублікування.
- Commencing proceedings
- Avoidance actions
- Claims against directors, officers and shareholders
- Creditor actions and strategic considerations
- Pre-insolvency debtor claims
- Other claims
- Cross-border proceedings
- Remedies and enforcement
- Settlement and mediation
- Update and trends
01 — Commencing proceedings
Litigation climate
Today Ukraine continues to undergo the reform of the bankruptcy system, aimed at improving the business environment and increasing the investment attractiveness of the country. The bankruptcy proceeding seems like a major challenge for a creditor, as it is usually a tedious and time-consuming process. In order to speed it up and make it more efficient, the Bankruptcy Code of Ukraine was adopted in 2019 (hereinafter — the “Code”). One of the objectives of the Code is to satisfy creditors’ claims. But it also aims to protect debtors’ rights.