
最近在Re Klimvest plc [2022] EWHC 596 (Ch) 一案中,英国高等法院(「法院」)基于一个比较罕见的理由颁令将一家上市公司清盘——失去公司基础(loss of substratum),即公司放弃其主要宗旨和目的。


Klimvest Plc(「该公司」)于2019年1月出售其业务及资产,其后其唯一重大资产为约800万英镑的现金储备。出售资产后,该公司的最大股东Klimt Invest SA(「第一答辩人」)要求该公司动用出售所得款项作出新投资,而非将在清盘中分派予股东。

Eric Duneau先生(「呈请人」)要求根据英国《1986年无力偿债法》第122(1)(g) 条颁令该公司清盘,认为由于该公司已失去其目的或基础,将该公司清盘属公正公平。第一答辩人反对呈请,辩称(其中包括)该公司并无失去其目的或基础,因为该公司在出售资产前实质上已成为一间控股投资公司,公司的目的仍可透过该投资实现。



最近在關於申請罷免清盤人的Shearman & Sterling (a firm) and others v Asia-Pac Infrastructure Development Limited (in creditor’s voluntary liquidation) and others [2022] HKCFI 218一案中,法院在詳細考慮提出此項申請所需的資格後駁回申請,裁定申請人欠缺所需資格。





In the recent case of Shearman & Sterling (a firm) and others v Asia-Pac Infrastructure Development Limited (in creditor’s voluntary liquidation) and others [2022] HKCFI 218, which concerns an application for removal of liquidators, the Court, after having considered the requisite locus standi for making such an application in detail, dismissed the application, finding that the applicants lacked the standing.




最近在关于申请罢免清盘人的Shearman & Sterling (a firm) and others v Asia-Pac Infrastructure Development Limited (in creditor’s voluntary liquidation) and others [2022] HKCFI 218一案中,法院在详细考虑提出此项申请所需的资格后驳回申请,裁定申请人欠缺所需资格。




Re GTI Holdings Ltd[2021] HKCFI 3647

The Company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands and listed on the Main Board of the HKEX. The Petitioner sought to wind up the Company on the ground that the Company failed to satisfy a statutory demand served upon it on 21 January 2020. On 26 May 2020, the Company presented a winding up petition (“Petition”) against itself and applied for the appointment of PLs for restructuring purpose with the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands. Subsequently, on 28 May 2020, the Cayman Court appointed PLs over the Company.


Ho Man Kit And Another v Lo Siu Chu Judy And Another[2022] HKCFI 133

The Plaintiffs in this case were the joint and several trustees of Li Bao Tian (“B”), who was adjudged bankrupt on 7 December 2016. The 1st and the 2nd Defendants (collectively, “Defendants”) are mother and son. B was in an intimate relationship with the 1st Defendant, albeit whilst legally married to another woman and is the father of the 2nd Defendant.


Lee Siu Fung Siegfried[2021] 5 HKLRD 627

In January 2001, a bankruptcy petition was presented against Mr. Lee Siu Fung Siegfried in respect of a HK$322 million debt arising out of a guarantee given by him. In or around September 2016, the trustees in bankruptcy obtained an order for the private examination of Mr. Lee and the Applicants, who are the younger brother and son of Mr. Lee.


Re So Tsz Man[2021] HKCFI 3732

This case concerns the self-petitions presented by four debtors for their own bankruptcy (the “Four Petitions”). The Four Petitions (i.e. Re So  Tsz  Man(HCB  7033/2020), Re  Lee  Wing(HCB 7299/2020), Re Tam Wai Yiu(HCB 7569/2020) and Re Qiu Wenjun(HCB 3930/2021) shared a substantial similar fact pattern:


Re Hsin Chong Construction Co Ltd (Provisional Liquidators: Application for Directions)

[2021] 5 HKLRD 212, [2021] HKCA 1581
