The Hungarian government issued a decree that amends certain provisions of the bank's liquidation proceedings. The decree entered into force on 15 April 2022 and affects the solvent liquidation of Sberbank Hungary, a subsidiary of Sberbank Europe AG, the Hungarian member of the Russian Sberbank group.


There has been a longstanding need in Hungary for a legal instrument to rescue distressed companies. The only legal solution so far for such companies was the unpopular and inflexible bankruptcy procedure, which is also risky for the debtor, as failure will automatically turn into a liquidation proceeding and the company will cease to exist. Bankruptcy, with its formalistic procedures and limited involvement of creditors in the decision-making, has done more harm than good. It also usually stigmatised the debtor.


The Government of Hungary has proposed an amendment to Act XLIX of 1991 on bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings (Insolvency Act) aiming to modernise the procedural rules of insolvency proceedings, for example by introducing communication via email and video conferences.

Technical reliefs


The right to set-off claims and obligations in insolvency proceedings is an important tool for creditors in order to protect themselves against the insolvency risk of a contractual counterparty. This article gives a short overview of the rules for set-off in insolvency proceedings in Austria and certain CEE jurisdictions not taking into account special provisions for close-out netting and similar transactions.


Set-off in insolvency proceedings

The Hungarian Ministry of Justice acknowledged the recent criticism aimed at the difficulties regarding the enforcement of monetary claims in the country and plans to amend the relevant laws to make creditors' lives easier. As currently envisaged, these amendments will in the near future change such fundamental laws as the Civil Code, the act on court enforcement, and the act on insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings. This article provides a summary of the envisaged amendments.
Civil Code


The Hungarian Parliament has adopted a new legal regime setting out debt settlement procedures for private individuals.  The act will enter into force on 1 September 2015, and will have a huge impact on the business of banks and financial undertakings in Hungary.
