The Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE) has provided guidance on its approach to directors of companies, made insolvent by the COVID-19 pandemic, who act in good faith on objective evidence in trying to rebuild their businesses.
The issue
The consequences of the COVID-19 crisis have made many businesses that were solvent, and will likely become solvent again, technically insolvent.
Notwithstanding the phased return to some level of normality, some businesses will continue to be significantly affected, particularly those in the hospitality sector where longer term challenges may be encountered due to social distancing requirements, consumer unease and the likely absence of international travel for many months, or perhaps even longer.
The High Court refused to appoint an examiner to New Look Retailers (Ireland) Ltd (New Look), where it transpired that it had sufficient funds to survive for a number of months but had not engaged substantively with creditors before applying for the appointment of an examiner.
New Look operates 27 stores in Ireland, all of which are rented. It closed its stores 2 days before the Government mandated lockdown in March.
We consider one case illustrating the efficiency of international insolvency proceedings commenced in Ireland, improvements to the efficiency of the appellate courts and one imminent legislative change, which will impose an administrative burden on the holders of security over book debts.
Ireland as an efficient venue for international insolvency
Less than an hour after an oxygen tank exploded on Apollo 13, mission control told the crew to isolate a small tank, containing 3.9 pounds of oxygen.[1] Days later, that tank provided the oxygen to keep the crew alive while landing back on Earth.
If they had left that tank for even another hour the oxygen in it would have been almost gone.
COVID-19 is an unexpected shock for many businesses. Some businesses are being significantly affected, particularly those in the travel and hospitality sectors. We consider some of the options open to otherwise good businesses facing cash-flow and other financial issues as a result of COVID-19.
How are governments dealing with COVID-19
The Land and Conveyancing Law Reform (Amendment) Bill 2019 (the “Bill”) proposes to broaden the factors that the courts can consider in refusing orders for possession sought by lenders.
The Bill has its roots in the Keeping People in their Homes Bill, 2018, introduced by Kevin “Boxer” Moran T.D., as a private member’s bill. However, the Bill does not go as far as Mr Moran’s bill and, for instance, does not require disclosure of the price paid by a purchaser of the loan.
The appointment of a receiver by way of equitable execution has generally been considered a “remedy of last resort”[1] and, for over a hundred years, courts have expressed differing views as to when they could appoint such a receiver.
Overall 2018 has produced a number of positive judgments from the perspective of lenders and insolvency practitioners.
In particular, the courts delivered many useful judgments disposing of numerous challenges to the enforceability of loans and security and, also, restricting abuse of the courts’ processes.
Contemptuous McKenzie Friends
The Court of Appeal has helpfully confirmed that a judgment creditor can seek an order appointing a receiver by way of equitable execution where:
- the debtor holds a legal or equitable interest in property; and
- execution against the property is not available at law by one of the usual methods, for instance via the sheriff or by a garnishee order.
There was previously doubt as to whether such a receiver could be appointed where the debtor held a legal, as opposed to an equitable interest, in property.