During the second half of 2019, it was generally accepted that the US/China trade war was the most likely macroeconomic event that would precipitate a global slowdown. Even then, given the enormous amount of ‘dry powder’ capital that was available in the market, the downturn, if any, was expected to be mild.


This week’s TGIF considers the recent case of In the matter of Newheadspace Pty Limited (in liq) [2020] NSWSC 173, where the Supreme Court of New South Wales set aside a liquidator’s examination summonses on the grounds of an abuse of process and failure to satisfy s 596B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

What happened?


This week’s TGIF article considers the case of Re Watch Works Australia Pty Ltd (in liq) & Anor; Ex Parte Francis & Ors [2020] WASC 6, in which the Supreme Court of Western Australia determined two linked companies were to be a ‘pooled group’ in order to satisfy the external debts payable by both companies.

What happened?


The Treasury Laws Amendment (Combating Illegal Phoenixing) Act 2019 (Cth) (Amending Act) passed into law on 17 February 2020, over a year after it was first introduced to Parliament.   

Placing phoenix activity firmly in its crosshairs, the Amending Act introduces long anticipated reforms to Australia’s efforts to curb phoenix activity.  



During the second half of 2019, it was generally accepted that the US/China trade war was the most likely macroeconomic event that would precipitate a global slowdown. Even then, given the enormous amount of ‘dry powder’ capital that was available in the market, the downturn, if any, was expected to be mild.


This week’s TGIF considers the decision in Adelaide Brighton Cement Limited v Concrete Supply Pty Ltd (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) (No 4)[2019] FCA 1846, where the Court terminated a deed of company arrangement in circumstances where the administrators had not undertaken sufficient investigations.


On 4 November 2017, administrators were appointed to Concrete Supply Pty Ltd.


This week’s TGIF considers the latest decision in Arrium and the recent refusal by the Supreme Court of New South Wales to set aside, on Arrium’s application, a summons for examination to a former director.

What happened?

On 15 May 2019, a Registrar issued a summons for examination and orders for production to a former director of Arrium following an application by two shareholders of the company. The shareholders had been authorised as eligible applicants by the ASIC the previous year.


This week’s edition of TGIF considers the landmark decision of the High Court in BMW Australia Ltd v Brewster; Westpac Banking Corporation v Lenthall[2019] HCA 45 and what it might mean for insolvency practitioners.

