The Government has passed amendments to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Corporations Regulations 2001 (Regulations) to overturn the impact of the decision in Sons of Gwalia v Margaretic (2007) 231 CLR 160 (Sons of Gwalia) and reinstate the longheld convention that creditors’ rights take precedence over shareholders’ rights in the instance of a winding up.
What was the outcome of Sons of Gwalia?
There is a plethora of Australian legislation which sheets home personal liability to directors and officers.
Below are some reminders of traps for directors and officers for transactions that might be undertaken in the usual course of a director or officer’s normal arrangements.
Trap 1: Super re-contribution
Some advisors propose, as a strategy for limiting superannuation death benefits tax, withdrawing superannuation balances and re-contributing that amount into super as a non-concessional tax-free contribution.