The Emerging Markets Restructuring Journal

This sixth issue is special in that it is published in anticipation of the International Bar Association’s Latin American Regional Forum in Mexico City and includes a diverse range of articles reflective of this region. A piece on the Oi restructuring shows the continuing importance of bankruptcy law in Brazil—and the complexity and depth that cases like Oi have produced. Likewise, our article from Mexico demonstrates the growing importance of cross-border restructurings of multinationals, as well as the well-tested principle that bankruptcy consideration cannot be an afterthought—it is part and parcel of the negotiation of any financing. Articles from Peru and Colombia show increasing interest in insolvency topics in the Andean region amid continuing political uncertainty. An article on Costa Rica reflects a bankruptcy regime that may soon be tested following downgrades of companies in Costa Rica, while an article on the Cayman Islands indicates that there are a number of different options for debtors and creditors that seek to avoid a home country proceeding. Click here for more.