The UK Government has announced a further extension to certain protective measures for businesses which are currently in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today (16 June 2021) the UK governmentannounced a further extension of some (but not all) of the temporary measures first introduced by the Corporate Governance and Insolvency Act 2020 (CIGA) in June last year.
The two most significant temporary measures for companies facing financial difficulties as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic were:
As the measures in the UK designed to protect businesses from insolvency draw to an end, what guidance can be taken from Australia where similar measures ended a few months ago?
Today (16 June 2021) the UK governmentannounced a further extension of some (but not all) of the temporary measures first introduced by the Corporate Governance and Insolvency Act 2020 (CIGA) in June last year.
The two most significant temporary measures for companies facing financial difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic were:
CVA challenges have been in the spotlight recently and the story continues with Nero Holdings Ltd v Young in which the court considered an application to strike out a CVA challenge claim. Although there is nothing ground-breaking in the court’s reasoning to dismiss the strike out/summary judgment application, its detailed reasoning will offer some helpful guidance and assistance to those involved in these applications.
Wie Bauunternehmen und Bauherren vorbeugen können
Seit dem vierten Quartal 2020 sind die Preise für Baustoffe stark angezogen. Medienberichten zufolge verteuerte sich allein der Preis für Holz um 15-20 %, der Preis für Mineralölerzeugnisse steigerte sich um 15 %, für Dieselkraftstoffe um 20 %. EPS-Dämmstoffe für Fassaden kosten sogar rund 25 % mehr, als dies noch im Dezember der Fall war. Betonstahl ist seit September nochmals um 30 % teurer geworden.
Section 284 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (the “IA86”) deals with the restrictions on a bankrupt in dealing with their property in the period between the making (practically speaking, the presentation) of a bankruptcy application and the vesting of the estate in the trustee. This period is defined as the “Relevant Period”. If a bankruptcy order is made, any disposition of property in the Relevant Period is automatically void. Any person in receipt of disposed property is treated as holding it on trust for the benefit of the bankrupt’s estate.
The Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space Moratorium and Mental Health Crisis Moratorium) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (the Regulations) came into effect on 4 May 2021. While the Regulations will provide residential tenants with additional procedural protection regarding rent arrears, they will be an unwelcome additional hurdle to landlords.
What do the Regulations do?
In the latest High Court decision relating to Company Voluntary Arrangements in the UK, the judge held that the Regis hairdressing group CVA should be revoked on the basis that it favoured shareholders at the expense of landlord creditors
One consequence of the depressed real estate market has been numerous Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases wherein the debtor seeks confirmation of a “dirt-for-debt” plan. In such a plan, instead of paying the secured creditor the value of the real property securing the debt through restructured loan terms, the debtor proposes to convey part or all of the real property securing the debt to the creditor in full satisfaction of its secured claim.