Foreword Head of Real Estate Disputes Mathew Ditchburn considers what 2020 may have "in store". Five minutes with: Hebe Morgan We chat to real estate associate Hebe Morgan who is currently on secondment at M&G Real Estate.
CVA Special: Mathew Ditchburn reports
2018 was seen by many as the ‘year of the CVA’ and the year of the so -called ‘Retail CVA’ in particular. Such CVAs have been used in an attempt by companies operating in the retail and casual dining sector with burdensome leases to reduce the cost of their premises whilst continuing to trade.
2019 was widely expected to be the year in which there was a challenge by a landlord under s.6 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (‘the Act’) to the use of CVAs to force a rent reduction, without comparable cuts to other creditors and so it has proved.