On January 31, 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in Orphan Well Association v. Grant Thornton Ltd., popularly known as Redwater. In a 5-2 split decision, a majority of the Supreme Court allowed the appeal and held that the Alberta Energy Regulator’s (AER/Regulator) assertion of its statutory enforcement powers over an insolvent licensee’s assets does not create a conflict with the federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) as to trigger the constitutional doctrine of federal paramountcy.
Dans une décision historique rendue dans l’affaire Orphan Well Association c Grant Thornton Ltd. qui a été publiée le 31 janvier 2019, la Cour suprême du Canada (la « CSC ») a conclu que les obligations d’assainissement environnemental d’une société pétrolière et gazière en faillite doivent être satisfaites avant toutes les autres obligations, y compris les obligations garanties. Outre les créanciers du secteur pétrolier et gazier de l’Alberta qui sont directement touchés par la décision, les créanciers de tous les secteurs ont intérêt à bien en analyser les conséquences.
The Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) has released its decision in Orphan Well Association v.
On January 31, 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada released its landmark decision in Orphan Well Association v Grant Thornton Ltd, 2019 SCC 5 ("Redwater").
While Canada’s legal system will be familiar to many foreign investors and companies, the Canadian legal system and laws have a number of unique aspects that might surprise you. Understanding these unique aspects of Canadian law is critical to your business success in Canada. Gowling WLG understands the challenges of establishing and conducting business in this country. With offices in major cities across Canada, we provide effective counsel and insightful business solutions that help our clients access the full potential of the Canadian marketplace.
In a majority two to one decision released on April 24, 2017, the Alberta Court of Appeal has upheld the lower court ruling in Re Redwater Energy Corporation.
On December 10, 2016, Ontario’s Forfeited Corporate Property Act, 2015 (the FCPA), comes into force,1 along with related amendments to the Ontario Business Corporations Act (the OBCA).
One of the most vexing commercial insolvency issues is the competition between creditors with security on environmentally troubled property and environmental authorities looking for deep pockets to fix the environmental problems. From a creditor’s point of view, a recent Alberta decision is a potential respite from environmental obligations being imposed on creditors of the owners of environmentally troubled property.
On May 18, 2016, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta released its much anticipated decision in Re Redwater Energy Corporation, 2016 ABQB 278, which addressed the Oil and Gas Conservation Act (OGCA), the Pipeline Act and the