Section 75 of the Pensions Act 1995 has the potential to mean that, as a result of corporate restructuring (including on employee and TUPE transfers), an employer that participates in a defined benefit occupational pension scheme could have to make a one-off payment (a debt) to the scheme. The debt reflects the difference between the scheme funds that are available and the estimated cost of securing all scheme benefits in the form of annuity policies.
When an employer leaves a multi-employer defined benefit pension scheme, an employer debt - a section 75 debt - may arise if the scheme was underfunded.
A section 75 debt is a debt due from an employer in a multi-employer defined benefit pension scheme to the trustees of the scheme.
Since April 2005, the UK Pensions Regulator (the Regulator) has had the power to take action, in the form of financial support directions (FSDs) or contribution notices (CNs), against parties that are "connected or associated" with a company that operates a UK defined benefit pension plan. This will typically include all entities in the same group as the employer.
Third parties associated with an employer may find themselves liable to contribute to the employer's occupational pension scheme.
According to a ruling of the High Court, Financial Support Directions and Contribution Notices issued by the Pensions Regulator once an English insolvency process has commenced rank as expenses of the insolvency process (and therefore take precedence over ordinary creditors). This ruling will cause huge practical difficulties for insolvency practitioners. The decision is subject to appeal.
The much awaited court decision on the status of Financial Support Directions (“FSDs”) and Contribution Notices (“CNs”) * issued by the Pensions Regulator against target companies after the commencement of English insolvency processes in respect of such targets was handed down by the court on Friday 10 December 2010. The reluctant decision of Mr Justice Briggs that FSDs and CNs in these circumstances were not provable debts but ranked as expenses of the insolvency process, taking precedence ahead of unsecured creditors, has caused dismay in the restructuring community.
In a recent high profile case brought by the administrators of 20 insolvent companies in the Lehman and Nortel groups, the High Court ruled that the cost of complying with a financial support direction (“FSD”) issued after the date of the commencement of a company’s administration or liquidation by the Pensions Regulator would rank as an expense of the administration or liquidation.
According to a recent judgment in the English High Court, Financial Support Directions ("FSDs") issued by the Pensions Regulator ("the Regulator") against companies in administration are to be treated as expenses of the administration. This means that they are to rank ahead of preferential and unsecured creditors and, indeed, perhaps ahead of the remuneration of the administrators themselves.
The High Court has decided that financial support directions can be issued against insolvent companies as well as solvent ones.
The administrators of 20 insolvent companies in the Lehman Brothers and Nortel groups had argued that the Pensions Regulator’s Determinations Panel had no legal power to determine that it would be reasonable to issue FSDs against these companies. The High Court disagreed and decided: