As of 1 January 2015 the harmonized financial institution resolution rules from the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive will be implemented in national Dutch legislation. Among other things these rules confer upon the Dutch Central Bank the so-called "bail-in power". Pursuant to the bail-in instrument, the Dutch Central Bank will have the power to cancel and/or reduce the unsecured liabilities of a financial institution under resolution or convert such liabilities into equity.
- Introduction
On 13 June 2012 legislation allowing the Dutch Central Bank or the Dutch Minister of Finance to intervene in respect of failing banks and insurance companies with seat in the Netherlands ("Intervention Act") came into force with retroactive effect from 20 January 2012.
On March 8 2010 the Amsterdam District Court dismissed an application by the administrators of the Dutch branch of Landsbanki hf to extend the term of the emergency regulations that had been declared applicable to the Dutch branch by the court on October 13 2008.(1) As a result, the regulations ceased to apply on March 13 2010.
This newsletter discusses the draft legislative proposal for a Financial Institutions (Special Measures) Act (Wet bijzondere maatregelen financiële ondernemingen; "Intervention Act") that was recently published for consultation along with a draft explanatory memorandum and a document containing specific questions. The draft proposal would broaden the powers of the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank; "DNB") and the Minister of Finance to intervene at financial institutions that are experiencing "serious problems".
A bill introducing special measures with regard to financial undertakings (Intervention Bill) has been published for consultation. The bill would extend government powers to intervene in financial undertakings which are in serious difficulties. Under the bill the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) could draw up a plan for the transfer of financial undertakings which are experiencing irreversible financial problems. DNB could submit the transfer plan to the courts and request an order to implement the transfer scheme.
On October 13 2008 the Amsterdam District Court declared the emergency regulations underthe Financial Supervision Act applicable to the Dutch branch of Landsbanki (Icesave).(1) This update looks at:
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) began the process of appointing receivers Monday for DSB Bank NA (DSB) after DSB experienced a “run” when rumors of its insolvency spread via Twitter and other outlets.
Earlier today, DSB Bank N.V. (DSB) was declared bankrupt and ordered to liquidate, ending hopes the regional lender, which last week suffered a run on deposits and was subsequently put into receivership, might be sold or bailed out.
The Act amending the Financial Markets Supervision Act and the Bankruptcy Act (Wet tot wijziging van de Wet op het financieel toezicht en de Faillissementswet) in connection with consolidation of claims on the estate in the event of emergency regulations, moratorium on payments and bankruptcy, and requests for compensation on the grounds of the Safety Net Scheme entered into force on 16 March 20091.
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) began the process of appointing receivers Monday for DSB Bank NA (DSB) after DSB experienced a “run” when rumors of its insolvency spread via Twitter and other outlets.